Psychology of color: How each color characterizes personality The meaning of red in psychology
Color is something that surrounds every person every day and evokes special emotions and sensations. Selection of clothes, interior items, improvised means and many...
Abstract work
Each color has its own meaning, its own character, which influences our lives and behavior much more than it seems. What is color psychology? Like the colors...
Lose weight with the diet “90 days of separate nutrition 90 days of separate nutrition
The creators of the world-famous 90-day split diet offer a diet that allows you to lose up to 25 kilograms in three months, thereby significantly...
Memorial days after the funeral (video)
02/06/2014 People who follow Christian traditions attach great importance to days dedicated to the remembrance of the dead. One of these dates is the ninth day...
How to cope with the death of your beloved dog?
Regardless of the reason why a family loses a four-legged friend, its death can have a serious impact on everyone. However, life doesn't stop there...
How to draw a tattoo step by step with a pencil
Small tattoos Small tattoos can contain original and deep meaning. When choosing a small tattoo, it is worth remembering that even a small symbol can contain...
Character, meaning and fate of the female name Yana
If you looked here, it means you want to learn more about the meaning of the name Yana. What does the name Yana mean? The name Yana means the mercy of God (ancient Hebrew) The meaning of the name Yana...
Oksana name meaning - character and fate
The meaning of the name Oksana: this name for a girl means “guest”, “foreigner”. Origin of the name Oksana: The Russian name Oksana has analogues in different languages. Name...