Fortune telling
A story about old things.  History of antiques
Antique household items (materials for the school museum) Completed by: Daria Aknazarova and Valentina Denisova, MCOU Aleksandrovskaya Secondary School of Bogotolsky...
Why your hands age faster and how to prevent it Why your hands age faster
Aging of the entire organism is a natural and inevitable process programmed by nature, which is one of the main problems of biology and medical science...
Tell us about all your starts and victories
The longing of a freerider for the snow is like the longing of a maiden in love imprisoned in a monastery. And how she embroiders a shirt for her lover in satin stitch, in the hope of a soon...
How to make ripped jeans from old ones at home with your own hands Ripped jeans with your own hands
Ripped jeans are again at the peak of popularity; they make the image extravagant, stylish and erotic. Young people buy them at exorbitant prices, not knowing that...
Techniques and methods of training high and low start Training medium start athletics execution technique
WITH REST ON THE HAND Task No. 1. Create an idea of ​​the high start technique using hand support. Means: 1. Reporting information, where, for what purpose...
Cemented High School Girl Story: Japanese Girl Was Tortured for a Long Time
Junko Furuta Shinji Minato's parents were concerned about the presence of their son's girlfriend, whose name was Junko Furuta, in the house. Junko spent so much time with...
What kind of clothes were worn in the old days in Rus'? Russian clothes in the old days for men
The clothing of our ancestors, both peasants and representatives of the nobility, seemed very diverse. In ancient times, princes, warriors and simple peasants were little more than...
Scientists: what to eat to avoid aging What is needed to avoid aging quickly
Everyone is afraid of old age, especially women. We are afraid of the loss of beauty, health, physical energy. We don't want to become incapacitated and become a burden to...