Why you shouldn’t leave unwashed dishes overnight: hygiene and signs
For a long time, the accumulation of dirty dishes was considered a very bad omen, promising illness and other troubles. From a practical point of view, this is absolutely not...
Folk signs and superstitions about hair, cutting and coloring Current Christmas signs for pregnancy
Christmas, which is celebrated on January 7, is a magical holiday filled with the miraculous power of the birth of the Son of God. Therefore, the signs for January 7...
An ancient sign - why you can’t wash dishes while visiting Why you shouldn’t let guests wash dishes
There are many signs and traditions associated with dishes. Many people are interested in why they shouldn’t wash dishes when visiting and what this affects. Each person has their own rules in the house...
Omens for the night - what you can and cannot do in the evening It is a bad omen or bad form to sweep away garbage on a person
Each ancient nation had its own “Vedas” - a certain set of wise thoughts, prohibitions and amulets that accompanied the races throughout their...
Signs and superstitions for pregnant women Signs when pregnant
Folk omens will tell you a lot about what pregnant women should not do. They are based on the experience of ancestors and have a scientific explanation, which many years later...
Indoor bamboo: photo, home care
A very popular indoor plant, which resembles bamboo with its bridges on the trunk. But not everyone knows that it has nothing to do with real bamboo...
How to add shine to your hair at home General hair care tips
Every woman would like to have beautiful, strong and healthy hair. However, unfortunately, hair is very easy to damage and ruin. For hair health,...
Olive tree: growing at home, care, types, cultural history Where do olive trees grow
While enjoying a walk around spring Cyprus on the weekend, we came across the sign “Biggest olive tree in Cyprus” and couldn’t pass by! Of course, not every day...