Where do Yulia Kovalchuk and Alexey Chumakov live? Biography of Yulia Kovalchuk How old is Yulia Kovalchuk’s mother

Alexey Georgievich Chumakov. Born on March 12, 1981 in Samarkand (Uzbek SSR). Russian singer, musician, TV presenter, writer, screenwriter, artist, sound producer, actor.

He has Bulgarian (paternal) and Armenian (maternal) roots.

Father - Georgiy Georgievich Chumakov, a Bulgarian, originally from Gabrovo, a graphic designer, worked as the chief restorer of the Cathedral of St. Alexis of Moscow in Samarkand.

Mother - Liliya Avanesovna, Armenian, originally from Nagorno-Karabakh, physiotherapist.

The elder brother is Sergei Georgievich Chumakov, lives in Tyumen.

At the age of eleven he began writing his own songs and performing them on stage.

With his first song, he won the “Morning Star” competition, held in Samarkand, at the age of 11.

In 1995, the family moved to Tyumen. There he entered the Tyumen Higher College of Arts in the vocal department, but studied only for one year. Then he continued his studies at the Tashkent Higher College of Arts in the conducting and choral department, which he graduated in 1998.

At the regional competition “Voices of Europe Plus” in Kemerovo, Alexey won in three categories - as a vocalist, composer and arranger. For several years, he wrote songs for young performers at the Tyumen “Steps” competition, constantly winning diplomas as the best composer and arranger.

Alexey toured, wrote songs, made arrangements, wrote entire albums for other performers, acted as a sound producer, worked as an art manager, and presenter. He also hosted his own program “Freaky Party”, where he invited various artists.

In 2003 he moved to Moscow, where he soon moved his parents.

Alexey Chumakov gained widespread fame as a pop singer in 2003 - after his participation in the “People’s Artist” project on the Rossiya TV channel. The performer took third place and received the listener's choice award from the Europe Plus radio station. This was followed by numerous concerts, participation in television programs, and radio performances.

He has a baritone tenor (dramatic baritone).

I started writing in the early 2000s. In 2004, he wrote his first novel, “The Color of the Last Sunset.” But the manuscript was destroyed by a dog. Since the manuscript of the novel was in a single copy, it was impossible to restore it in full. Subsequently, together with his friend, Alexei Ushakov, he wrote a script based on the plot of the failed book: “The Color of the Last Sunset” turned into the script “Alien Sunset,” and the final version of the title was “Dirt.” Alexey attracted investors and, at the Sverdlovsk Film Studio, together with Black Studio, shot a feature film in the thriller genre. The director was Kirill Kotelnikov. Chumakov himself worked as a co-director and producer, played one of the roles in the film, and independently applied professional makeup to the actors for filming. Alexey also wrote some of the music for the film himself.

In 2005, he became the host of the television show “The Secret of Success” on the Rossiya TV channel.

In 2006, his first album “Dreams about something more” was released, which included such hits as “I’m Going Crazy About You,” “Balalaika” and “Unusual.”

In 2007, Alexey took part in the projects “Dancing on Ice” on the TV channel “Russia-1” and “King of the Ring” on Channel One.

In 2011, the singer performed a duet with the American star Michael Bolton at the Russian Song Festival in Zielona Gora (Poland), and then at Michael Bolton’s solo concert in Moscow, on November 22, 2011, Alexey performed “Hold On I’m Coming.” Soon Chumakov’s new song “Girl, Girl, Woman” was released, and then a video clip for it.

In 2012, he acted as the host of the “Clip You Chart” program on the Muz-TV channel, and was also a member of the jury and teacher of the children’s reality show “School of Music” by Lina Arifulina on the U channel. In May 2013, Alexey Chumakov became the winner of the star reality show “One to One!” on Channel One.

In 2013, his second album, “Here and There,” was released. It included the already popular compositions “Here and There”, “Girl, Girl, Woman”, and several completely new, previously unperformed songs. Alexey Chumakov himself wrote the text and music for many of them.

From September to December 2013, he worked as the host of the new show “Run before Midnight” on Channel One.

On July 1, 2014, Alexey Chumakov and Yulia Kovalchuk recorded a joint song “In Notes” and, independently, without the help of professional cameramen, shot a video clip for this song. Their joint directorial debut received the main award at the RU TV 2015 awards in the “Your Own Director” category.

Alexey Chumakov and Yulia Kovalchuk - In notes

In 2014 - host of the show “Our Way Out” together with Yulia Kovalchuk and the program “Open, there are guests!” on the STS TV channel. In 2015, he was the host of the program “Empire of Illusions: The Safronov Brothers” on the STS TV channel.

In 2016, he became a participant in the fourth season of the transformation show “One to One!” (“Battle of the Seasons”) on the Rossiya-1 TV channel. In the final episode, based on the results of audience voting, he took 1st place, thus winning for the second time.

Alexey Chumakov in the cinema

Since 2000, he has been acting in films, making his debut in the role of Antoine in the adventure melodrama “The Game of the Dead,” based on the story “The Sky of the Fallen” by Yuri Polyakov.

Alexey Chumakov in the film "Game of Knockout"

The role of Alexey in the 2013 comedy “Luck Island” became noticeable. The film takes place on a Pacific liner: half-naked beauties participating in a beauty contest, champagne, blue ocean... The former television star, now a cheap wedding host, never even dreamed of this. However, your dream cruise will be unexpectedly interrupted by a chain of incredible events.

Alexey Chumakov in the film "Luck Island"

In 2015, he played the main role in the romantic comedy “I’ll get married urgently”, in which he played the socialite photographer Stas, and his wife Yulia Kovalchuk played the workaholic editor Zhenya.

According to the plot of the film, Zhenya can become the editor-in-chief of the magazine, but for this she urgently needs a husband! Condition of the publication's shareholders: the family audience needs a family leader. And the girl has only a week to solve this problem. Stas undertakes to help the girl; the fashion photographer has a lot of bachelors in his catalogue, who could well be suitable for the role of a husband. But suddenly Zhenya realizes that she is not at all calculating, and Stas is surprised to discover that he is in love.

Alexey Chumakov in the film "I'll Get Married Urgently"

Then he starred in a detective story "Leopard"(Russian adaptation of the famous American project “Castle”), in which Alexey Chumakov also played one of the roles - the author of detective novels Alexander Bars. In the story, police major Maria Koroleva (), working on murder cases, realizes that each of them is set up like a scene from the books of the writer Alexander Bars. Soon the couple begins to work together, moreover, feelings arise between them.

Alexey Chumakov in the TV series "Bars"

Alexey Chumakov's height: 192 centimeters.

Personal life of Alexey Chumakov:

Married. Wife - singer, TV presenter, ex-soloist of the group "Brilliant".

They met in 2003. At first, they only crossed paths at work and had no particular interest in each other. Mutual interest between them arose during participation in the “Dancing on Ice” project. They then exchanged invitations to each other’s concerts. After meeting at Yulina’s solo performance, she invited Alexey to visit and they could not go home for a long time. Yulia said: “At first he refused, citing the fact that he had to get up at 7 in the morning and go to filming. Finally he arrived and... something happened that evening. Probably, it was then that “chemistry” arose between us. I categorically did not want to let him go. He was worried about the shooting, left, then came back, saying that he would move the car - apparently, he really didn’t want to leave. That evening we realized that we would be together.”

We lived in a civil marriage for five years. We got married on October 1, 2013. The celebration was not very loud: they signed at the registry office, and the ceremony itself was held in Spain, where the couple have their own apartments.

In 2014, the couple were named “Couple 2014” according to Glamor magazine.

On October 13, 2017, the couple had a daughter. The lovers hid Julia's pregnancy for a long time. Chumakov was present at the birth. Before the christening, the parents decided not to say the baby’s name and not show her to the public.

The family lives in a large two-story house in the Moscow region. They purchased a ready-made home, but made extensive renovations.

Alexey Chumakov. Million dollar secret

Filmography of Alexey Chumakov:

2000 - Game of Elimination - Antoine
2010 - Morozko
2011 - Very Best Movie 3D, The - celebrity
2013 - Island of Luck - Alexey
2015 - I’ll get married urgently - Stas, photographer
2019 - - Alexander Bars

Voiced by Alexey Chumakov:

2013 - Save Santa (animated)
2013 - Legends of Oz: Dorothy's Return (animated) - captain
2015 - Bogatyrsha: Rosa and the Dragon (animated) - average head of the Dragon

Director's works of Alexey Chumakov:

Producer works of Alexey Chumakov:

2004 - Dirt (The Color of the Last Sunset)

Scripts by Alexey Chumakov:

2004 - Dirt (The Color of the Last Sunset)

Discography of Alexey Chumakov:

2006 - Dreams of something more
2013 - Here and there

Bibliography of Alexey Chumakov:

2004 - The color of the last sunset (novel, not published due to the loss of the manuscript)
2015 - In Search of Ghosts (short story, mystery, thriller)
2015 - 47 (psychological thriller)

Such a talented person as Alexey Chumakov has already managed to try himself in many directions. He is a singer, actor, writer, parodist, presenter and this is just a small list of his achievements. Alexey has been such a versatile guy since childhood. He was always interested in music, but at school he also played various sports and participated in a theater group. And at the age of 11 he wrote his first song, which he then sang at a local competition. Among other things, he was often a presenter at events in his city.

Height, weight, age. How old is Alexey Chumakov

Since the guy has been involved in sports since childhood, it has become a habit, and Alexey continues to monitor his physical fitness. The singer's height is 192 centimeters and his weight is 90 kilograms. Behind such a man you feel like behind a stone wall. In addition to his courageous appearance, Alexey has a strong character, which has been tempered since childhood. He started working very early and was not shy about any type of income, he worked as a vegetable seller, a loader, and this is just the beginning of the list. But such a childhood made it possible to raise a real man in a young guy. Everything about Alexei is beautiful: talent, appearance, height, weight, age. How old Alexey Chumakov is is also no secret; he was born on March 12, 1981, which means he is now 36 years old.

Biography and personal life of Alexey Chumakov

Alexey was born in Uzbekistan, namely in the city of Samarkand. From childhood, Alexey was keenly interested in music, so at the age of five his parents sent him to a music school, where the guy managed to develop his musical abilities. And a little later he managed to learn to play the guitar on his own. Later, during his school years, his singing skills and musical talents in general came in very handy, because he often performed solo numbers at school holidays. And when the guy was 11 years old, he began to compose songs and even make arrangements for them himself.

Another important quality in Alexey is hard work. While still a schoolboy, he began to earn his first pocket money and at the same time was not shy about any work. He sold fruits and vegetables at the market, worked in construction, and painted fences in the warm summer. Such youthful experience helped to strengthen Alexei’s character.

In 1995, when political troubles began in Uzbekistan, the family of the future star decided to move to friends in Tyumen. It was here that the guy went to study at the vocal department of the Higher College of Arts. And a year later he transferred to the correspondence conducting and choral department, where he studied for another 3 years.

But even during his studies, the guy did not rest. And in general it is worth saying that these were one of the most difficult periods of his life. During his studies, he devoted a lot of time to music, and also performed in various clubs and restaurants. This was a great practical activity for the young performer.

In 2003, after participating and taking third place in the People's Artist competition, Alexey woke up successful. After the competition, he became one of the most recognizable TV presenters. And three years later he recorded his first album.

The biography and personal life of Alexey Chumakov, all achievements and successes are entirely his merit. The guy achieved everything himself and learned such tactics from childhood. And his personal life is no less good, because Alexey has been happy and in love for several years.

Family and children of Alexey Chumakov

Alexei’s parents, who supported their talented son in everything, were also not ordinary people themselves. My mother worked as a physiotherapist, and my father, who turned to creativity, was a graphic designer and even led the restoration of one of the most famous cathedrals in Uzbekistan. And Alexey was no less lucky with his personal life than with his family. His name has been associated with the beautiful Yulia Kovalchuk for many years. In 2014, the couple legalized their relationship, and Glamor magazine declared them the No. 1 couple of 2014.

But Yulia and Alexey have known each other for a long time and many take their relationship as an example. The couple does not have children yet, but in 2017 it became known that Yulia was pregnant, so the family and children of Alexei Chumakov are in the immediate plans. It’s interesting that the guy took a very long time to decide whether to propose to Yulia, because he understood that both of them had complex characters and family life would not be easy. But Alexey still made a positive decision, and as it turned out later, not in vain.

Alexei Chumakov's wife - Yulia Kovalchuk

The wife of Alexei Chumakov, Yulia Kovalchuk, is no less famous than her husband. They are similar to Alexey in that they both achieved their success from scratch. They walked towards their goal, despite the fact that there was no “financial cushion” under their feet. Julia became famous after she became a member of the famous group “Brilliant”. She was a member of this group for seven years, from 2001 to 2008, and then began a solo career and also became a TV presenter.

It is worth noting that Alexey and Yulia look very harmonious together, this is exactly the case when a guy and a girl found their soulmate. And of course, as with all successful couples, journalists often try to spread rumors that Alexey Chumakov and Yulia Kovalchuk have broken up, but you shouldn’t believe such gossip, because over the many years of their relationship the couple has proven how strong their union is.

Instagram and Wikipedia Alexey Chumakov

Alexey is active not only in life, but also on social networks, delighting his fans with new publications. Instagram and Wikipedia of Alexey Chumakov will become a real reference book on his life. On his Instagram you can see photos from his vacation with Yulia, as well as pictures from various events and awards.

It is a pleasure to follow the life of such a talented person. It should also be interesting for fans that Alexey also reveals himself as a writer, and it was in 2015 that he presented the world with his first mystical novel, called “In Search of Ghosts,” as Chumakov admits, his inspiration is Stephen King. And already in 2017, he presented a second book called “47”, the genre is a thriller. And the talented Alexey is not going to stop there.

Popular performers Alexey Chumakov and Yulia Kovalchuk got married in Spain, and secretly. Exclusively the closest couples and friends were present at the ceremony.

A story of relationships and great love

With enviable consistency, society chroniclers “married” the couple Alexei Chumakov and Yulia Kovalchuk. However, the lovers themselves also often denied this information about their own wedding.

Finally, the Russian public was struck by happy news. No one could even imagine that such bright stars would suddenly get married secretly, without a magnificent reception. Although Alexey Chumakov assured some time ago that if they married Kovalchuk no one would know about it, many people hoped for the opposite. But, as it turned out, the artist was serious. The lovers, apparently, tried in this way to save their warm, reverent feelings from the press and their attacks. The stars decided to get married about a year after their engagement. Julia admitted that they delayed the ceremony due to a busy schedule.

The relationship of this starry and vibrant couple began with inviting each other to perform. When Julia first attended the concert of her future chosen one, she was literally fascinated by his charm and artistry.

As Yulia says, Alexey tried to think through the marriage proposal down to the smallest detail. So that Yulia would not suspect anything, Alexey Chumakov found out the size of the ring through the director of his chosen one. It took Alexey six long years to propose; during these years, Yulia did not rush him with the wedding, because she knew that the right moment would definitely come. What has not been written about them during this time: as if Alexey is not going to marry Yulia and even that the couple is breaking up.

Modest Moscow and magnificent Spanish wedding of Chumakov and Kovalchuk

The wedding of Kovalchuk and Chumakov took place in Moscow without Champagne and witnesses. The circle was so close that there was no one except the bride and groom, the official who registers the marriage. After registration, the newlyweds immediately went to dinner. So the young people introduced a certain amount of improvisation and extravagance into their lives.

The artists really hid their wedding as much as possible from the press. The lovers even left the country for this purpose. A happy event recently happened in Spain, where the couple has their own apartment. This Spanish wedding was attended exclusively by the closest and dearest people to Alexey and Yulia: Yulina’s parents, Alexey’s dad and especially close friends - a total of 12 guests. None of my colleagues were there. This event was, rather, for the parents, because it was for them that it was even more long-awaited than for the newlyweds themselves.

As the bride recalls, the clouds thickened when she was supposed to go to the flower arch with her father, and then it began to rain. However, Julia boldly went with her father to the altar. The waiters pulled the linen over them, so neither the bride’s hairstyle nor the chic dress were ruined. It’s interesting that as soon as Alexey Chumakov and Yulia Kovalchuk were declared husband and wife, the downpour immediately stopped.
It is believed that rain on the wedding day is a very good and kind omen for the future life.

Although the celebration was for a narrow circle of friends and family, the newlyweds were not modest. As already mentioned, the newlyweds in Spain have their own apartments, but for the celebration they rented a three-story spacious mansion. The ceremony took place on the top floor - on a marble balcony with a stunning view of the sea. The violin quartet played superbly, and all the guests were delighted. The couple held the party itself downstairs, by the pool on a covered area.

The host of the party was a Spaniard who, although with an accent, spoke Russian. Chumakov and Kovalchuk, organizing a festive celebration, specifically appealed to the mayor of the city a couple of weeks before the wedding itself, asking for permission to play music not until 12 o’clock at night, as is customary in Spain, but until three in the morning.

The party turned out great: with a stage, concert sound and light. More than once, groups of people came in wanting to join in, thinking it was an open night club. Spanish musicians invited to the wedding were shocked by the temperament of the newlyweds and their guests. Everyone sang and danced flamenco together with Spanish artists. True, the police came to them several times, however, having learned that they had received the go-ahead for the late party, they left, not forgetting to congratulate Alexey and Yulia.

Everything was just perfectly organized. Although Yulia, due to the large number of cases, could not constantly fly to Spain and prepare on the spot, she corrected and mentored her assistants over the phone and the Internet. As a result, the wedding did not bother anyone, there was no fuss. Everyone was happy and relaxed. In the morning everyone woke up at the time they wanted. Then, we had a long breakfast in pleasant company and, of course, continued our relaxation: some went for a walk, others swam in the pool. There were no regulations.

Gifts were given to the newlyweds, those that were prepared with love and for a long time - a good cutlery set, beautiful dishes, handmade tablecloths, beautiful bed linen sets. It is precisely these gifts that Alexey and Yulia should need in the very near future, because they are finishing the construction of a spacious house in the Moscow region, on Novorizhskoye Highway.

It is known that rumors about this wedding have been circulating for quite a long time. The reason for this was that attentive journalists noticed rings in the hands of the artists. After all, before this, Alexey Chumakov had never worn rings before, even for decoration. And now, Chumakov has a strict ring on his finger, and Yulia wears an elegant ring with a scattering of small stones and one large stone. In addition, Julia also previously did not wear rings on her ring finger.

Big plans for the friendly family of Alexey and Yulia

Yulia is not going to change her last name after the wedding, since this will cause certain difficulties in terms of work, although, of course, Alexey would like his wife to become Chumakova.

Alexey Chumakov, meanwhile, has already decided to send his wife on maternity leave, despite the fact that both performers have a very busy work schedule.

Yulia Kovalchuk and Alexey Chumakov, together with their Yorkshire terrier Melya and Jack Russell terrier Rico, met the HELLO! film crew. on the threshold of his country house. The creative couple spoke about personal space, living together and the stamp in the passport in an interview.

Yulia Kovalchuk and Alexey Chumakov

About personal space

Julia. It is important for Lesha to have the opportunity to be alone. I didn't always understand this. But, as I got a little older, I suddenly discovered that I myself needed personal space. I need minutes and sometimes hours of silence. Here, in a country house, we can afford it. We have many rooms, some kind of nooks where you can retire and not disturb each other.

About life outside the city

Julia. I've been in Moscow since I was 18 years old. For a long time I lived in the center, in the Arbat area. And I thought that suburban housing is important when you already have a large family and children. But I really wanted to try living outside the city, and I tried. A week after we left Moscow, we realized that we didn’t want to return to the city. It's easy to breathe here, there's a lot of space, here we wake up in silence.

Alexei. For me, the main thing is comfort. We can invite large groups of friends here. The girls are cutting something in the kitchen and making pilaf. We smoke hookah and discuss the news. Then we sit down and have dinner together. Isn't this a thrill?

About your favorite place in the house

Alexei. Bed. (Laughs). In general, we like to sit near the fireplace and watch a good movie.

Alexey Chumakov and Yulia Kovalchuk in their country house

About the new album

Alexei. The album was recorded in Los Angeles. A large team of musicians worked on it, who may not be so well known to the mass public, but among professionals they evoke respectable awe. For example, Quincy Jones is less known than Michael Jackson. But it was he who helped Jackson record one of his most global albums - Bad. Or Kevin White, who is Lenny Kravitz's sound producer. Michael Ripple is the iconic bass player who works for Stevie Wonder and was supposed to be Michael Jackson's guitarist for his last show in London. I am very proud of this work and I hope that my fans will appreciate it.

About the show "One to One"

Alexei. I'm actually very wary of being on different game shows. Since the “People’s Artist” took place, which brought me fame wherever I have been - on the ice, in the ring, and at the rodeo in the “Great Races”. But participating in those projects did not bring me as much pleasure as this one. After all, I am a professional singer, not a boxer or figure skater. The show "One to One" allows you to reveal yourself as a performer. The task of the participants is not to parody the star - to go out and make faces to the soundtrack, but to get into the character as accurately as possible. It's hard, but very interesting.

Alexey Chumakov

About the secret of relationships

Alexei. It seems to me that this is some kind of karmic predisposition to be together. And then, there is a feeling of habit, a feeling of fear of hurting a loved one, responsibility for him.

Julia. We face the same problems as ordinary, average couples. But we are both busy with creativity - this is rather a plus. As the experience of my previous relationships shows, it is difficult for a man in a non-creative profession to understand my work schedule. I can leave for a corporate event at night and return in the morning. Creative people are special, they are more emotional, subject to frequent mood changes. This needs to be understood and accepted. I confess that the ability to make compromises has become the most serious discovery in my life. Because I'm really very stubborn. I am Scorpio. Every time I fight, argue, defend my opinion. With Lesha, I often have to go against my feelings, to be cunning like a woman. But even if I get involved in a quarrel, I am always the first to make peace. Lesha appreciates this. He sees how hard it is for me to step over myself sometimes, and mentally gives me pluses for it. My man is very wise - he knows everything perfectly.

About marriage

Julia. I believe that a stamp in a passport is not an indicator of love and stability. But I understand that for a man to say “be my wife” to a woman is very stressful. (Smiles.) I respect men who decide to propose to their women, no matter how long the marriage lasts. We are in no hurry with this. We are young. We are doing interesting things. The very fact that we have been together for five years is an indicator of how much we value each other. I doubt that our lives will somehow change if we suddenly decide to formalize the relationship. But, as Lesha says, we’ll wait and see.

Text: Svetlana Fedotova

Yulia Kovalchuk considers herself a fairly strong person who knows how to overcome difficulties and solve problems. Thanks to this, the singer was able to build a creative career, as well as improve her personal life. Now she has become a happy woman, who has a strong shoulder and reliable hands of her husband next to her. Many fans of the spouses are waiting for them to become parents, but for now the artists are enjoying their successful careers and are only dreaming about it.

Julia was born in 1982 in the Volgograd region. Her mother taught at a technical school, and her father worked at a design institute. Even in her childhood, the future singer loved to dance and also did gymnastics. In high school, the girl performed in a dance group, taking part in various competitions. In addition, she discovered her singing talents and began writing songs. She received her education at the University of Culture and Arts in Moscow. In the early 2000s, Kovalchuk joined the group “Brilliant,” where she was a soloist for six years. In 2007, the singer decided to pursue a solo career, and her debut album was released in the summer of 2015. At the same time, she took part in the shows “Dancing on Ice”, “The Last Hero” and other programs, and also became a presenter. Since 2014, Julia, together with Igor Vernik, began hosting the show “One on One!”, and in the spring of 2015, the singer’s fans saw her in the project “Weighted People,” which a year later was named the best reality show.

The blond beauty never advertised her personal life, so little is known about her romances. For almost four years she had a serious relationship with businessman Sergei, who proposed to the girl to get married. The artist has known her future husband since 2003. At that time, Kovalchuk was still the lead singer of the group “Brilliant,” and Chumakov was just beginning his singing career. He immediately liked Yulia, but the young people were not free, so they communicated with each other purely in a friendly manner. But one time the singer invited a girl to his concert, and she in return invited him to perform. Soon a feeling arose between the young people, and they began to live as one family. The couple made plans for the future, bought a home in Spain, but Alexey himself was in no hurry to take Yulia to the registry office, citing the fact that marriage was not part of his plans.

In the photo Yulia Kovalchuk with her husband Alexei Chumakov

After several years of civil marriage, the lovers got married in 2013, which took place in an old Catalan mansion in Spain. But first, the bride and groom signed in the Moscow registry office, where there were no guests and no champagne. After the wedding, the couple began to prepare for the birth of children. In their house near Moscow, they allocated a children's room, where they made repairs. True, almost three years have already passed, but the artists have not settled the little tenant there, preferring to work on new projects. Kovalchuk also wants to settle his parents in a country mansion so that they can live with their relatives as one big family.

The material was prepared by the editors of the site site

Published 06/11/2016