When to sleep with a man after meeting him. How to sleep over at your boyfriend's house for the first time

An episode from a famous TV series immediately comes to mind, when one of her friends, without a twinge of conscience, went to bed with a new acquaintance, citing inhuman love for him. And the other necessarily maintained an interval of 2 weeks. Each of them is right in its own way. After all, in such matters there cannot be advisers; you need to act according to the situation. But if there is an opportunity to play out the relationship scenario differently, you can try. Therefore, we decide on the terms of “love”.

How long after meeting can you sleep: after the wedding?

Surely, when you turned 14, your mother held a preventive conversation that you should only go to bed with a man after marriage. And the most interesting thing is that some girls follow this rule.

Whether they are right or wrong cannot be answered unequivocally. Everyone has their own life principles and rules. But if the girls are truly deeply religious and religious, they strictly comply with this requirement. And they have no problems finding a partner. After all, they mostly choose men as husbands who have the same views on life.

There's nothing wrong with that. After all, what matters is not how many partners someone had before marriage. Common interests, hobbies and views make relationships in a couple harmonious.

How long after meeting can you sleep: on the first day

From one extreme to another, this is what the recommendations in this article look like. There are different options for developing relationships. And if in the previous case we were talking about deep interaction between partners on an emotional level, now we will talk about passionate sex on the first day of dating.
Of course, there have been cases when, after a similar plot in the development of relationships, families were formed and quite good ones. But this happens extremely rarely. Mostly, men believe that girls who went to bed on the first day are not serious, and it is better not to build a “hearth” with them.

How long after meeting can you sleep: “on the fifth day”

But in any case, a first date is not the most suitable option. Although, I will not hide my knowledge from the field of psychology, there are men, but not many of them, who believe that first you need to go through all the “circles of hell”, that is, sleep, and then everything else. They usually explain this by saying that it’s easier to communicate this way.

In any case, you have access to the body. And the final result depends on your decision.

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If you're spending your first night at your boyfriend's house, you're probably excited, but also nervous. If you and your partner are close enough to spend the night together, this means that your relationship is developing harmoniously. Be yourself, think through everything important in advance and try to talk openly about everything with your boyfriend.


How to collect everything you need

    Pick up a small bag. The bag shouldn't look like you took a week's worth of stuff with you. You'll probably need some personal hygiene items to get yourself ready in the morning. You will need to brush your teeth or remove makeup if you wear it.

    • Try putting everything in the bag you usually carry. If you usually carry a clutch or small bag, you'll need something with more capacity.
    • If your boyfriend lives far away from you and you have to travel more than 8 hours to see him, you will need to pack more things. You will need everything you usually travel with.
  1. Pack everything you need for bed. You'll feel awkward if you have to ask your boyfriend to give you a toothbrush, but the situation will be even more awkward if you decide not to brush your teeth. Put away the things you can't live without.

    • If you use decorative cosmetics, take makeup remover with you. Many women prefer to go to bed without removing their makeup in order to look better in the presence of a man. However, this is harmful to the skin, and sooner or later your boyfriend will still see you without makeup.
    • Fold everything you need for your hair. Some women tie their hair up at night or sleep in curlers, but they don’t do this in front of a man. You shouldn't take curlers with you, but a brush, comb or detangling spray will definitely come in handy.
  2. Take with you the things you will need in the morning. Usually people take a variety of things with them. Think about what you can't imagine your morning without and how much time you'll spend at your boyfriend's house in the morning.

    • If you're an early riser, take your phone charger, book or magazine with you. Even if you wake up before your boyfriend, you will have something to do with yourself.
    • If your bag size allows, pack comfortable shoes. Walking in dress shoes all the time will be difficult.
    • If you take any medications regularly, be sure to put them away. You may return home later than expected.
  3. Bring condoms with you if you may need them. If you plan to have physical intimacy, it is important to bring condoms with you. Don't assume your boyfriend has them. Take yours. If you're not sure whether you'll have sex, it's best to take them just in case.

    • Condoms are the only contraceptive that protects against sexually transmitted diseases.
    • It's also worth bringing toys you like and lube.
  4. Take cash with you. If you intend not to spend the night at home, always take cash with you. If you haven't decided how you'll get home and if something goes wrong, cash can help you avoid a lot of problems.

    • Cash will also come in handy if you suddenly decide to go out for drinks, ice cream or breakfast. Don't think that a guy will definitely want to pay for you.
  5. Choose a multifunctional outfit. You might spend the entire morning or even the entire afternoon with your boyfriend. If you go to his house in a date dress or any revealing outfit, you will feel uncomfortable eating breakfast in it or walking through the park the next morning.

    • It's best to choose pieces that make you feel sexy and that you can layer over in the morning.

How to prepare for possible physical intimacy

  1. Know what you want. To understand what the night will be like, it is important to decide what you want. Don't think that because you sleep over with your boyfriend, you are obligated to have sex with him. However, if you want this yourself, you should prepare.

    • Sex can bring two people closer and strengthen a couple.
    • Sex can also trigger awkward situations, such as questions about monogamy, past relationships, reproductive health, or possible pregnancy. If you're not ready to talk about it with your boyfriend, you're probably not ready to be in a more intimate relationship.
    • The uncertainty is understandable, especially on the first night. If you can't make a decision yet, there's nothing wrong with that. It is important that you are able to make an informed choice when sexual intercourse is possible.
  2. Talk to your boyfriend about expectations. It may feel awkward to think about, but sooner or later you will need to discuss mutual expectations. There are several ways to find out about a guy's intentions while maintaining your charm (and even flirting).

    • If you don't want to stop flirting, ask where you'll sleep: "Are we going to sleep together or should I bring my own sleeping bag?"
    • You can also ask directly: “I know we’ve never spent the night together before. I’m looking forward to it, but we both have certain expectations. What do you think about possible sex? Are we ready for that yet?”
    • If you already know exactly what you want, you can say it like this: “I’m glad that we’ll spend the night together, but I want to warn you in advance that I’m not ready for sex yet” or “It’s good that we’re spending the night tonight together. I think it’s time for us to have sex and take our relationship to the next level.”
  3. Be confident in your decision, but accept the possibility that it will change. If you've already made a decision, that's great. However, sometimes under the influence of circumstances a person can change his mind. This is fine. Listen to yourself.

    • You may not have planned physical intimacy, but you feel comfortable with your partner and decide to give it a try.
    • Perhaps you wanted to have sex, but changed your mind because something was bothering you or you were nervous.
    • Make a decision only based on your own desires, and not under pressure from a boyfriend, friends, parents or anything else.

How to behave in a guy's house

  1. Enjoy each other's company. You may be worried about what's coming. Remember that your boyfriend loves you for who you are. Besides, he probably worries just as much. To relax, do something you both enjoy.

    • Your boyfriend is probably nervous about you seeing his house and room. To help him feel less stressed, comment on something you like about his home. You can say something like this: “Nice poster” or “Your apartment is in a great location.”
    • If the house is not very cozy, go for a walk or drive a car. Go out and then go back to your boyfriend's house for the night.
  2. Do whatever you normally do at night. Wash your face, brush your teeth, comb your hair and do everything you are used to at home. Of course, at your own home you may be doing something more complex - at your boyfriend's house it is better to reduce the number of actions. This way you won't have to spend a lot of time in the bathroom and your boyfriend won't have to sit and wait for you.

    • There is no need to explain what you do. He may wonder, and that's okay.
    • If you usually wear your hair in a braid at night or sleep in a cap, you shouldn't do this the first couple of nights with your guy.
  3. Be prepared for the fact that you won't be able to get enough sleep. When a person first sleeps next to a new person, his brain does not go completely to sleep - it stays awake for safety reasons. You might wake up when your boyfriend moves or turns around.

    • Don't plan on spending the night with your boyfriend for the first time before a big day at work or school.
    • You may need to take a nap during the day after this, even if you decide to go to bed early.
  4. Wear clothes that make you feel comfortable. If you weren't planning on spending the night at your guy's place, you might not have a change of clothes or sleepwear with you. Even if you were planning to stay, you might decide it's not worth bringing any clothes with you. To decide how you'll sleep, consider what you're comfortable in and how close you are to your boyfriend.

    Go to bed when you're both ready. When you are both tired, go to bed. If you'll be sleeping in the same bed, you'll need to find a comfortable position for both of you. There are several things that may interfere with you:

    • guy snoring. Bring earplugs with you just in case;
    • the desire to pull the blanket over oneself or different preferences regarding air temperature;
    • desire to cuddle in bed (perhaps he likes it, but you don’t and vice versa).

How to behave when you wake up

  1. Let the guy sleep as much as he wants. If you wake up first, you shouldn't wake up the guy. After all, you wouldn't like it if he woke you up. If you wake up first, lie in bed hugging the guy, or go to the bathroom and clean yourself up so you can meet the guy already washed.

    Think about how you will spend the evening. Most likely, you will want to spend the entire morning and afternoon together, but you may have other plans. It will be good if you agree on plans in advance. If there are no plans, you shouldn’t think that you will definitely spend the whole morning together.

  2. Leave something at the guy's house if you want. This is a fairly common gesture. Even if you are already in a serious relationship, leaving something behind can make your boyfriend happy. In addition, he will still have something that will remind him of you and thanks to which you will meet soon. You can "forget" any of the following things:

    • piece of clothing;
    • jewelry that you constantly wear;
    • toothbrush or cosmetics;
    • the book you are reading;
    • series that you watch together.

Usually, after just a few dates, couples transfer their relationship to the bed level, believing that they can completely trust their partner. However, the opinions of men and women in this regard differ greatly. The behavior of partners may also depend on the zodiac sign.

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Psychologists advise not to engage in intimacy too early, as there is a risk that the man will quickly lose interest. But it’s not worth delaying it for more than six months.

Men's opinion Most men have a positive attitude towards sex on the first date. But when discussing the topic of which girl to choose for a serious relationship, even more guys would prefer a girl who won't agree to sex too quickly.

  • Psychologists only confirm the opinion of the men surveyed:
  • If you enter into intimacy too early (on the first or second date), then the man will not yet have time to become seriously interested in the woman. Men are hunters by nature, and if the prey is obtained quickly and easily, then the excitement of the pursuit and interest immediately fade away. Therefore, girls’ fears that if they enter into an intimate relationship too quickly, a man will consider her available are not without foundation - such a scenario is very likely.

If you put off sex for too long (six months of dating or more), the man will decide that the girl does not see him as a future sexual partner and simply does not want him. It’s a rare guy who is willing to go without intimacy for such a long time, so he can go in search of a lover who is more interested in sex.

Women's opinion

In this matter, women are usually more careful than men. Most women are not ready to have intimacy on the first date, although many girls have had this experience. But after such a hasty entry into intimacy, a serious relationship did not develop for 72%, so women do not want to repeat such experiments.

According to women, if it turns out that a man is satisfied on all counts, then on the 4th–5th date you can already check sexual compatibility. If you enter into intimacy on the first date, then in the future it may turn out that you have no common interests with this partner except bed.

Since most women are still looking for a serious relationship, and not a lover to satisfy their sexual needs, the female sex is in no hurry to check compatibility in bed. WITH intimacy should be postponed at least until the third meeting, otherwise man

may not be seriously interested in a woman, considering her too easily accessible.

Psychologists' point of view

Psychologists say that in most cases, women’s fears of appearing frivolous to a man if the first date ends in sex have no basis.

In the development of relationships, what is important is not the speed of transition to sex, but the mood of the man and his life period during which the meeting took place.

For example, if a man has recently gone through a divorce and is yearning for a cozy home, then he is able to try to see a future life partner in every woman he meets. In this case, sex on the first date will only speed up the development of the relationship.

Another example is if a guy practices non-binding relationships and is used to regularly changing girls. With such a man, there is also no big difference when the transition to intimacy occurs - on the first or tenth date. This type of man is capable of devoting many months to conquering a woman, but this will not make him see her as a future life partner. After some time, he will still set out in search of a new lover.

Zodiac signs and sex

You can build a love relationship based on the zodiac sign of your intended partner.

You can sleep with some on a date, having barely met, while with others it is better to communicate longer, without touching on issues of an intimate nature: Zodiac sign On what date does he usually get intimate?Attitude to
sex 1–4


Representatives of this sign combine a hot temperament and a romantic nature.

Both a girl and a guy born under the sign of Aries are capable of having sex already on the first date if they are overwhelmed by a strong love.

Considering the passionate temperament of Aries, such a development of events is very likely.

Sex and physical attraction play a very important role for Aries, so they usually only go on a date with a partner who attracts them externally 5–8

Those born under the sign of Taurus are usually in no hurry to move into intimate relationships.

If you offer a Taurus sex on the first date, then in response there is a high probability of receiving a puzzled look and a categorical refusal.

Even a Taurus man will not be delighted with such a proposal.

This zodiac sign is not looking for one-night stands, but in a long-term and serious relationship with a regular partner, he opens up sexually.

Taurus usually love long foreplay and tender kisses: sexual intercourse for them is by no means a mechanical action, but a sensual expression of true love.

Therefore, it’s better not to even think about sex with a Taurus on the first date.

Twins 1–3

One can only envy Gemini’s openness and love of life.

Geminis, as a rule, are not tormented by long thoughts about whether it is worth moving on to intimacy or holding off on close relationships.

Even a girl born under the sign of Gemini is capable of testing for sexual compatibility already on the first date.

Geminis usually have nothing against casual one-night stands, considering it one of the pleasures that life gives them.

But this does not mean that it is impossible to build a serious relationship with Gemini - having had enough time in their youth, they are able to remain faithful to one partner

Cancer 5–10

For Cancers, feelings are usually more important than physical attraction.

Therefore, there is no need to push Cancer to be intimate on the first date - most likely, he will be disappointed and will stop communicating with such a frivolous person for a long time.

But it is with Cancer that you have the best chance of building a serious and trusting relationship.

True, sex in these relationships will not be given the first place

a lion 1–4

With both the Leo guy and the Lioness girl, there is a chance to end up in bed on the first date.

Leo's passionate temperament can make them give in to their feelings and forget about conventions.

But if falling in love does not happen, Leo will immediately report this and go in search of another partner.

Representatives of this sign are usually very relaxed and value external attractiveness most of all.

Virgo 2–6

A Virgo can rarely be persuaded to be intimate on the first date, so many make the wrong conclusion about the tightness and shyness of representatives of this zodiac sign.

But when the relationship gets closer, it turns out that Virgo has many different sexual fantasies, which not every partner is able to satisfy.

With a lover born under the sign of Virgo, sex is unlikely to ever become boring and ordinary

Scales 3–8

Libras fully justify their name: a certain balance is always noticeable in their behavior.

A balanced approach will not allow them to give in to a passionate impulse and go to bed with a stranger, so you can forget about sex with Libra on the first date.

In subsequent meetings, only those partners who Libra considers not only attractive, but also promising have a chance.

Scorpion 4–5

Scorpio usually spends the first date on a thorough study of the partner, leaving intimate relationships for future meetings.

Building a relationship with Scorpio is not so easy, because his high erudition and unique sense of humor can give rise to many complexes among the people around him.

The Scorpio man is very fond of romantic surroundings - champagne, candles and expensive bed linen are practically guaranteed if the relationship reaches intimacy

Sagittarius 1–7

Even a girl born under the sign of Sagittarius has the traits of a hunter and a warrior: if she wants sex on the first date, she will do everything possible to achieve what she wants.

Sex with Sagittarius is almost always hot and passionate, because this is one of the signs of the fire element.

But Sagittarius chooses only someone they can completely trust as their lover.

If on a date the future partner is caught telling even a small lie, cautious Sagittarius will postpone the transition to intimacy for a long time

Capricorn 4–9

A date with a Capricorn is usually more like an interview with a future employer.

Capricorn is not one of those zodiac signs that give in to their feelings and are capable of unconditionally falling in love with a stranger.

For feelings to arise, Capricorn needs to get to know their future partner properly.

But in a permanent relationship, Capricorn proves to be a tireless lover, trying to perfect his skills in bed

Aquarius 1–5

When meeting an Aquarius, you should not move on to intimate relationships on the first date.

Representatives of this sign may not refuse sex, but after love pleasures the relationship will quickly fade away.

It is necessary to communicate with Aquarius for quite a long time in order for real mutual interest to appear.

Sexually, Aquarius constantly feels the need for variety, so his partner needs to show imagination in order to maintain such a changeable nature

On what date can you sleep with a man? I think that any girl in free flight is interested in this question! This is confirmed by the fact that these are the kind of piquant questions I receive the most...

That is why I decided to devote an article to this. So: Sex! On what date?

Sex as a continuation

I think that everyone will agree with me that when a woman agrees to intimacy with a man, most of all she wants after intimacy to preserve the relationship and a certain image of herself. No one wants to blame themselves and languish in guessing why they disappeared: "Either everything happened too quickly, or vice versa..."

Of course, you want to sleep with a man, without depriving yourself of respect, dignity, and without seeming too available or flighty. Just as you don’t want to be a bore from a Puritan family. So where is the line?

What do men say about this?

I've asked this question to many of my male clients, male friends, and even male strangers: What kind of date should you sleep with? And this is the picture I got:

  • 75% of respondents answered that this is not important, and it doesn’t really matter on what date the sex happened, since they also developed serious relationships with the girls they “woke up and then met.”
  • 25% of men admitted that it is necessary to languish a man! Then he understands that the object of desire is difficult to achieve and not everyone can do it. This has a good effect on the girl’s reputation and the man’s self-esteem (if he does become the chosen one).

This question confused the men and had no clear boundaries. But here's what I managed to get out:

  1. It is believed that a woman is ready for intimacy on the third date. The men explained it this way: on the first date, the girl takes a closer look, and the man shows that he is courteous and worthy. Men claim that after the first meeting you can understand whether they will have sex or not. On the second date (with personal sympathy), the girl adheres to a decent image. She doesn’t seem to mind ending the date with sex, but she can’t, what will they think of her?! She's a decent girl. The man is waiting. On the third date, as a rule, everything happens. It seems like we already went to the cinema, gave flowers, had dinner 3 times, drank wine, and got to know each other - it’s possible.
  2. If a girl does not fall into the arms of her chosen one for too long, then the man loses interest in her. "Burned", they said.
  3. If a woman gives herself up at the first meeting, then the idea that she is available to everyone creeps into the man’s head. But a skilled woman will always break these doubts if she needs it.
  4. No specific calendar time was given, since it all came down to the number of meetings per week. If there is one meeting a week, then you can wait a month. If every day, then a month is too long,” the men said.

What are they ready for?

I brought up the topic of what men are willing to do to sleep with an interesting woman. Unfortunately, many women's illusions can be broken. Probably, only a few men are ready to give you a luxury car, a 5-carat ring, and a villa in Sardinia for the first 3 dates, if you are not a world-class star.

In the life of “ordinary people” everything is simpler. Men are ready to care for a woman, moreover, many understand that this is necessary:

  • flowers,
  • restaurants,
  • wine,
  • movie,
  • theaters,
  • clubs,
  • sports (biking, skiing, rollerblading, skating),
  • small gifts (toys, perfumes, chains, key chains, books).

This was a list of the most popular courtships according to men. Those who are especially resourceful can fill up a full car tank. Resourceful, but miserly - half a tank (this is personal).

Burnt out

After the man has used his entire arsenal of courtship, and the girl is “not ready,” interest wanes. But I'm sure you'll be interested to know why:

  1. She is too “confused”, she has a lot of complexes and problems.
  2. She has someone.

These are the two most popular answers. Moreover, if a girl has realized that she is ready for intimacy after a man’s retreat, then she will have to rekindle a new wave of interest in her again... on her own. And this can be even more difficult than generating interest after a morning together and sex on the first date.

Bottom line

Learn to feel men, time, desires and the peak of everything! And, perhaps, the main thing is not so much, When you go to bed, what time how and with what thoughts you do it, and as far as you understand what men like in sex.

But in the next article we will look at the question: Why did a man disappear after sex? ?

Before you attract a young man, think carefully about where exactly you can meet him. The easiest way would be to rent a hotel room or arrange everything at home. In any case, make sure that the place is completely ready before evening.

On what date can you sleep with a guy?

Be clear about your goals so you can figure out what kind of date you can sleep with a man on.

To do this, you can consider 4 options for the first contact:

  • First date. You can agree to have sex at this point if you are clear about one thing. Your relationship can stop at any moment. After one night spent, after two, after several months - it shouldn’t matter to you. Three dates is the period that gives permission for guys to seduce girls. After 3 dates, a man cannot say with confidence that he is seriously in love and wants a long relationship. Consider this;
  • 3-10 dates.
  • Often this period takes 1-2 months. And if a man is going to wait this period, and at the same time his interest in you does not fade, we can already talk about his serious intentions towards you; 10 or more dates. If a man waits more than 1.5-2 months, it means he is truly in love with you. Most often, 10 dates are used as an answer to the question:;
  • “What kind of date can you get closer to a guy on?” 6 months of relationship or more.

If a man is not against platonic relationships for this long time, this does not characterize him in the best way. Either he is so blinded by you that he is ready to endure any whims, or he has very low self-esteem, and therefore has come to terms with such an unpromising expectation for him.

On what date can you sleep with a guy? The main thing is that first of all you want it, otherwise there will be no pleasure.

How to persuade a guy to sleep with you

Sex is an important component in the relationship between a couple. If your intimate life has become commonplace for you, you should think about new ways to pay sexual attention to your partner.

  • How long does it take to sleep with a guy? If you like a man and would like to enter into a serious relationship with him, it is not advisable to have sex at the very beginning.
  • This is not just a rule, it is a condition that shows how many times you increase your chances of achieving your goal. When you go on dates, you are just friends, and your communication is not obligatory. If you want, you communicate, if you want, you don’t.
  • During this time, get to know the man as a person. What he is like, what he loves, how he behaves. Thus, you will have a picture of trust or distrust in the man. If you sleep with him, then in the case of a relationship you will be driven by passion. And it makes it difficult to adequately perceive. In the process, he will learn about your character, interests, ideals, outlook on life, and so on. And while he wants to persuade a girl to have sex, he will be as interested in you as possible. Whatever his goal, you can create a certain impression of yourself, and then he will receive not only sexual interest, but also human interest.
  • You can understand that at first he will want to get to know you only for sex. As soon as he receives it, interest will fade. If you don’t rush the time of intimacy, but engage it in a different way, then the relationship can develop further at a higher level. Here you can even talk about falling in love.
  • Therefore, you should not rush into sex because of the hope of being happy. Give men the opportunity to get to know you better, and then you will give yourself a chance to find the one.

If you decide to sleep with a guy for the first time

If, before having sex for the first time, you realized that the decision was made independently, and it was well thought out, you can begin preparing for this event.

What to do if you slept with your ex-boyfriend?

It also happens in life that a girl ends up in the same bed with her ex. At this time, she begins to reproach herself and look for the reason for the current situation.