Nationality Kabaeva. Biography and personal life of Alina Kabaeva

Vladimir Putin and Alina Kabaeva - do they have a common personal life and children? This issue has been actively discussed in the media since 2008. Over such a long time, the topic has become overgrown with the most incredible gossip and rumors. Time after time, the press actively picks up the topic of the romantic relationship between the head of state and the Olympic champion. Some publications published materials about the wedding, others about children together. Some sources focused on the close ties between “Putin’s friends” and Kabaeva’s relatives. We tried to figure out whether Putin and Kabaeva had a wedding on Valaam, we tried to find photos and videos of this secret event.

The Kremlin refrains from making official statements, and the president’s representatives call all sensational news nothing more than “stuffing of information.” According to Dmitry Peskov, this is being done with the aim of “stirring up the situation in the country.” But many Internet users are sure that there is no smoke without fire. Serious debates have erupted online about the falsification of evidence of the close relationship between Kabaeva and Putin. To understand the controversial facts, we should remember how it all began.

Personal life of Vladimir Putin and Alina Kabaeva

Meeting V. Putin and A. Kabaeva

Until 2006, Alina Kabaeva’s personal life did not attract the attention of journalists. Her affair with football player Maxim Buznikin lasted only six months and was not continued. Then the athlete was in a relationship with police captain David Museliani. The lovers were preparing for the wedding, but the ceremony was not destined to take place. At the beginning of 2006, information appeared about the final separation of the couple.

In parallel, Kabaeva’s political and social activities developed. As a member of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation, she was involved in charity work, for which she received the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, 4th degree, from Putin. Even then it was rumored that the matter could not have happened without high patronage. The first meeting between the athlete and the president took place in 2006 when Alina was presented with an award for her sporting achievements. From that moment, rumors spread about their close relationship, but the information was not confirmed by any real facts. According to another version, the fateful acquaintance took place in 2000-2001. at rhythmic gymnastics competitions.

The first article about the personal life of Putin and Kabaeva

Scandalous article in 2008 about the wedding of Putin and Kabaeva

The first publication about the personal life of Putin and Kabaeva appeared in April 2008. The Moscow Correspondent newspaper published an article about the divorce of the Russian President from his wife Lyudmila and the upcoming wedding to Alina. The sensational news was also picked up by foreign media. The participants in the scandal themselves denied the rumors (the athlete - through her secretary, the president - personally at a press conference). The owner and editor of the newspaper tried to resolve the scandal, citing the fact that the material was presented in the genre of “rumors” without specific statements. However, the Moscow Correspondent publication quickly ceased to exist. The official version of the newspaper's closure was low profitability. Other publications throughout the year have been exaggerating the topic of the secret wedding of Putin and Kabaeva in every possible way.

Putin admits his sympathy for Alina Kabaeva

Do Putin and Kabaeva have children together?

Another hot topic in the media was the discussion: how many children do Putin and Kabaeva have together? One of the most incredible gossip of 2009 was the birth of a joint child of the “newly made” couple. Foreign newsmakers claimed that the parents named the son of Putin and Kabaeva Dmitry in honor of Medvedev, who at that time held the post of President of the Russian Federation. The information has not been confirmed.

The child of Putin and Kabaeva according to journalists

According to Russian journalists, the boy was named Vladimir. In 2010, the notorious secular columnist Bozhena Rynska wrote in her LiveJournal that Alina and her son live with their son in a guarded cottage in Serebryany Bor (Moscow). The version that little Volodya was secretly baptized in the suburbs of Kostroma was also detailed there.

The next rumor appeared in 2012. Then journalists claimed that Alina gave birth to a daughter from the president in one of the US clinics. No documentary evidence was made public. Throughout this time, only processed photographs of the athlete with a child in her arms surfaced online. At the same time, information appeared about where Putin and Kabaeva live. It was reported that the head of state placed the gymnast with her two children at his residence in Sochi. Naturally, unauthorized persons are not allowed into the territory, so it was not possible to document Alina’s stay in the villa. According to another version, she still comes to Sochi to meet with the president and spend a joint vacation. There were even eyewitnesses who claimed to have seen the couple in the restaurant.

In 2013, in an interview with Bolshoy Sport magazine, Kabaeva officially stated that she had no children. However, this did not stop the gossip hunters. It is interesting that foreign publications also published articles with a certain frequency that Kabaeva gave birth to Putin.

Foreign publications about the children of Putin and Kabaeva

In 2015, two publications at once (Swiss - Blick, and then Italian - Ticinonews) wrote about Alina’s stay in a gynecological clinic in Switzerland. Citing their own sources, newspapers claimed that Kabaeva gave birth to a third child. However, the journalists could not decide on the gender: first they received information about the boy, then about the girl. The news caused a public outcry. Users of social networks began to actively joke about this topic, but it seemed that many believed that it was true.

Children of Putin and Kabaeva according to Western media

Observers noted that Vladimir Putin did not appear in public for several days. This period surprisingly coincided with the athlete’s due date, which was discussed in the international media. An indirect fact of pregnancy confirmation was that Kabaeva avoided cameras for several months and even missed the anniversary of her coach Irina Viner. There was no official denial from Alina.

At the moment, the question of the joint children of Putin and Kabaeva remains open due to the lack of reliable facts. Earlier, denying rumors about pregnancy, Kabaeva wrote in her diary on Livejournal that she would not hide when she became a mother. Several years have passed since that moment, but the 33-year-old athlete has not confirmed the fact of the birth of the child.

Wedding of Putin and Kabaeva: true or false?

The secret wedding of Vladimir Putin and Alina Kabaeva has long haunted the public, but it was difficult to judge whether it was true or false until a certain point. Let us remind you that the first information about the wedding appeared in the Moscow Correspondent newspaper. The issue dated April 12, 2008 featured a joint photograph of the couple on the main page. The material itself even mentioned a specific date - June 15, 2008.

In June 2013, the president officially divorced his wife, with whom they had a long-term relationship. The official version sounded mysterious and vague: “we have ceased to be a family.” Among other reasons, newspapermen brought to the fore an affair with a famous athlete. Other contenders did not even appear in the press.

Is it true that Putin and Kabaeva put on wedding rings at the same time?

In 2014, the public was stirred up by new evidence that Putin and Kabaeva actually got married. At the opening of the Olympics in Sochi, journalists noticed a ring on Alina’s ring finger that looked very similar to an engagement ring.

Alina Kabaeva with a wedding ring

Just a few days later, a photo appeared from the meeting of the Russian President with the Egyptian Minister of Defense. A still image from the LifeNews TV channel shows that Putin also has a ring on his ring finger, although more than six months have passed since the divorce.

Putin with a wedding ring in 2014

The general director of LifeNews commented on the ambiguous situation. According to him, the editors did not have time to obtain the current video, so they decided to use a photo from a year ago. In March 2013, the Russian President met with the Palestinian President in the same place. It was these archival photographs that were used a year later. As some bloggers noted, in official photographs that appeared later, Putin is missing a ring. But again there were no denials from representatives of the head of state and the Russian gymnast, which gave rise to new rumors and speculation.

Photos and videos from the wedding of Putin and Kabaeva on Valaam

It is also worth recalling the sensational news about the wedding of Putin and Kabaeva on Valaam, photos and videos from which the paparazzi allegedly managed to obtain. News headlines about the president's wedding appear with enviable regularity. Each time the material is detailed, specific dates and locations for the ceremony appear.

Has Alina Kabaeva become a bride?

The last time reports of a wedding and sensational photos of Putin and Kabaeva appeared was in 2015. Anonymous sources posted reports that the president secretly visited Valaam, where he married the famous gymnast. Only 20 people attended the ceremony, which allegedly took place on April 27. Informants even announced the names of the guests, among whom were the names of statesman Sergei Naryshkin and Russian businessman Arkady Rotenberg. But the information was again not supported by documentary facts.

How many times have photos and videos from the wedding of Putin and Kabaeva appeared online?

In 2013, information appeared about a wedding that took place on June 15. And on September 21, there was a rumor that the wedding of Putin and Kabaeva took place in Valdai. The reason was a statement from local residents that at that time one of the monasteries was cordoned off by employees of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation. Outsiders were not allowed inside for unknown reasons. What actually happened in the building remains unknown to this day.

The couple was married and married many times. According to one version, in July 2014 the sacrament took place in Murom. A video even appeared on the Internet in which, in addition to Putin and Kabaeva, Dmitry Medvedev is present. The video turned out to be a montage of individual photographs edited in Photoshop. The news itself received neither confirmation nor denial.

Secret wedding of Alina Kabaeva and Vladimir Putin

The wedding date of Putin and Kabaeva remains a mystery. The fact of the marriage itself was not confirmed. But the version of the secret wedding seems to many to be the most reliable. It is unlikely that the couple would hold a luxurious celebration, attracting the attention of the paparazzi. It is possible that the information will remain classified for the entire duration of the president's reign. After all, now any materials about his person and personal life are subject to careful checking and censorship.

Putin and Kabaeva: latest news 2017

The topic of the romantic relationship between Vladimir Putin and Alina Kabaeva has existed for ten years, but many are still interested in the latest news about this couple. 2016 did not bring any new sensations. On the contrary, headlines about the president's personal life have practically disappeared from print media and blogs.

Last year, the name of Alina Kabaeva also appeared infrequently in the press. The most significant event was her new position - chairman of the board of directors of the Sport-Express newspaper. At the same time, the gymnast is the chairman of the board of directors of the National Media Group holding. The latest appointment gave rise to new rumors about an influential patron. And if Russian publications do not directly name names, foreign newspapers openly write about Alina as “Putin’s mistress.” In personal interviews, she willingly discusses sports topics and the work of her charitable foundation, but does not mention her personal life. Perhaps in the near future the public will learn about the marital status of the Olympic champion if she decides to make a frank statement.

Photo by Alina Kabaeva 2016

As for the person of Vladimir Putin, one cannot ignore the upcoming elections in 2018. It is unlikely that during this period the secrets of the personal life of the current president will be revealed. Now you’ll probably have to believe the words of Joseph Kobzon: “Vladimir Vladimirovich is married to Russia. For the president, there is no one except the country...” On the other hand, it will probably not happen without another “stuff” about Putin and Kabaeva. Perhaps in 2017 we will see another sensation about the birth of another child or new photos from a wedding ceremony.

Of course, after rumors appeared that Alina was Vladimir Putin’s chosen one, all the magazines began to discuss the girl and tried to find out as many juicy details as possible. But everyone has already begun to forget how talented Alina Kabaeva is.

After all, she is a famous gymnast who has repeatedly shown the whole world her perfection. Not so long ago, Alina also became a politician. A talented girl knows how to combine all areas of life. Her parents were also athletes, but as stated, Alina did not follow in the footsteps of her parents, this was her personal choice.

Height, weight, age. How old is Alina Kabaeva

Beautiful and fragile Alina, with a height of 165, weighs only 46 kg. Now the successful girl is already 33 years old. Thanks to her sports career, which the girl began since childhood, she is always in great shape and is used to keeping herself in control. Height, weight, age. How old is Alina Kabaeva? This request became especially popular when information appeared that Alina Kabaeva is now Vladimir Putin’s new chosen one, after divorcing her wife.

The press has never been so interested in her person, although the girl earned many medals and honors for the country. She is a real uncut talent, which gradually reveals itself as the years pass and it is unknown what else to expect from her. During her still short life, the girl managed to create a career that is beyond the power of many men.

Biography of Alina Kabaeva

Since Alina’s parents were athletes, it is not surprising that the girl followed the same path. From an early age, her mother dreamed that her daughter would devote her life to figure skating, but since her plan could not be realized in Tashkent, her mother sent the girl to become a rhythmic gymnast. Alina started playing sports at the age of three. And it was precisely this early start that allowed the girl to achieve such heights. But my mother realized early on that a girl could not achieve heights in her hometown, so she decided to move with her daughter to Moscow and put her in the hands of the best coaches there.

And at the first glance at the girl, the coach was openly horrified, because Alina at that time did not meet the expectations of gymnasts and was overweight. Then the girl had to try really hard to remove her plumpness and meet the standards. Alina even had the nickname “TV on legs”; now she remembers that moment with laughter, but in childhood it was a real tragedy. The trainer told the girl about the nutritional rules that she would have to adhere to in order to get in shape. And the young gymnast managed to lose weight quite quickly. Then she got down to work.

Already since 1996, Kabaeva took part in famous competitions and even came out on top. The most important achievement during her sports career is the title of four-time European champion. So far, this is the most important achievement both for Alina and for the country as a whole.

In addition to her brilliant career as a gymnast, there were also scandals in the girl’s life, and they were also related to sports. In 2001, it became known that Alina was taking doping. Because of this, she was even banned from taking part in competitions for 2 whole years. The first year she did not participate anywhere at all, and in the second year she took part only under the careful supervision of doctors and after many checks. As it turned out later, the drug she was taking, namely furasemide, is in fact not a doping. This is a drug that helps remove excess fluid and toxins and harmful substances from the body. But because of this, Alina lost many awards, titles and possible victories.

In addition to gymnastics, Alina also starred in several commercials and was even an actress, although she played the role in the film in Japanese cinema, so not everyone will be able to watch it. In addition, Alina became a muse for the group “Play of Words” and starred in their video; the song sang about the famous figure skater herself.

Well, as many people know, Alina tried herself as a model and she was not bad at it. Thanks to her bright and beautiful appearance, she was noticed by fashion designers, photographers, editors of famous magazines and invited to their shows and filming. Alina's life is very diverse and the girl tried herself in many aspects.

Starting in 2001, when Alina had problems in sports, she decided to test her strength in the field of politics and she succeeded quite well. Initially, she became a member of the United Russia party and dealt with all issues related to volunteering in the country; her activities brought fruit to Russia.

Alina Kabaeva and her children and husband photo 2016-2017

She managed to occupy several fairly high and influential positions, although it is quite difficult for women in politics. Having worked in the State Duma for 7 years, Alina managed to pass many bills that are still in effect to this day. Together with their colleagues, they issued one of the main laws that prohibits American families from adopting children from Russia; an interesting project was supported by all parties.

In addition to all the listed achievements, the girl also has two higher educations in the field of service and sports.

Kabaeva gave up big-time sports back in 2007 and is now deeply involved in politics. It is worth giving this fragile girl her due, because in the field of politics she turned out to be very useful and many useful changes were made from her hand.

Among other things, Alina has been repeatedly recognized as the most beautiful and sexiest girl in Russia, in various categories and magazines. 10 years ago, Alina even received the Woman of the Year award in the popular Russian magazine Glamor. She has posed for the most fashionable magazines more than once and once even participated in a nude photo shoot for the popular glossy magazine Maxim.

Also in 2014, she was chosen as one of three athletes who will light the Olympic flame. She lit her part, and then passed the torch to the rest of the athletes. Despite the fact that the girl ended her career in 2007, she is still considered one of the greatest and most worthy.

The biography of Alina Kabaeva is rich in information about the girl’s talents, her activities and professions. I would like to note that in the world there are not so many such purposeful and busy girls who at the age of 33 have achieved great heights. Perhaps in the future Alina will even go down in history as one of the most famous women who changed the course of life in the country and the world as a whole. In any case, the girl has all the makings for this.

Personal life of Alina Kabaeva

Alina is not only a talented gymnast, but also a thief of men's glances and hearts. This was tested by the Russian musical group “Igra Slov”, who did not hide their current muse and called their song very simply “Alina Kabaeva”. The song and video showed all the positive aspects of the beautiful girl and sang about her unearthly beauty. But not only creative people can show their admiration through songs; Maxim Buzikin proved that even a person who is not associated with any type of creativity can simply surrender to the beauty of Alina Kabaeva.

He also “bared” his soul in front of the whole country by writing a song for Alina. This girl conquers men's hearts and makes them do crazy things. But she has crowds of fans not only because of her beauty, because, among other things, the girl has a lot of interests and talents, she attracts men as a girlfriend, an interlocutor and even a friend.

In 2014, Alina made an interesting confession that shocked all of Russia; she admitted that she had been hiding her true love for two years. In a long interview with this magazine, Alina talked about her other half. It turned out to be David Museliani, who at that time was working in the police department of the capital of Russia and, of course, was preparing for the upcoming wedding. But the gymnast’s further plans were not destined to come true: the couple broke up in 2006, but maintain friendly relations to this day. This was the only time in Alina’s life when she had such a serious relationship that led to marriage.

Alina Kabaeva’s personal life is rich in unusual, popular and good men. Charming a man is half the battle, but not everyone can charm the main man of the country. On April 12, 2008, news appeared that caused some slight confusion and even a scandal. The news appeared on the pages of many magazines that the President of Russia and the beautiful gymnast have been in love for a long time and even intend to get married. Immediately, several popular publications began to spread this news with particular zeal, despite the fact that nothing was officially confirmed and even the press secretary of Alina Kabaeva refused to follow the lead of journalists and did not comment on this situation, and the head of state Vladimir Putin himself, at one of the press conferences he said that these rumors are nothing more than rumors.

The journalists really “made a big deal out of a molehill,” at first it was a harmless rumor, probably invented in order to stir up interest in famous people, but then it went beyond all limits. Requests began to appear on the Internet: “Alina Kabaeva and Vladimir Putin wedding video,” which, of course, were fictitious and staged.

There were rumors and even fake photographs were provided that Alina was already pregnant by the Russian President, but both Alina and Vladimir Putin have repeatedly confirmed that this is a lie, there is no connection between them.

Despite her many talents and beautiful appearance, Alina still cannot find love and is still left alone. Perhaps this is one of the disadvantages of such an independent life. The girl achieved everything on her own and became quite strong and independent, so it would be difficult for any man to cope with such a girl. But we hope that in the future Alina will have a prince who will be able to “tame the obstinate” and give her the family happiness that every girl so needs.

Family of Alina Kabaeva

Alina Kabaeva's family consists of her parents and beloved sister. In one of the interviews, Alina said that their love for sports runs in the family. And this is true, because Alina’s mother Lyubov Mikhailovna Kabaeva played in the Uzbekistan national basketball team and was one of the best players in her already talented team. It was the mother who became the person who helped the girl achieve all the heights. From childhood, she decided that her daughter needed to be sent to sports, and starting from the age of three, Alina went in for sports.

Mom made the right choice and gave her daughter a wonderful future. Her father, Marat Vazykhovich Kabaev, has a knack for sports, as they say; he was a professional football player for a long time and played for the national team of his city. In 1993, he received the title of Champion of the Kazakhstan Football League, but as part of a different Traktor team. Then the athlete’s career had to end, but Marat Vazykhovich did not think about retiring, and began coaching, teaching future football players, leading them to their first and certainly not their last achievements; during his coaching career, he was able to raise a good team of professionals.

Alina also has a younger and beloved sister, Lisana Muratovna Kabaevna, who is also not deprived of a family sense of sports. She tried herself in many sports, but in the end Lisana decided for herself that the family already had enough cups and medals, and went into business, although she was also not bad as an athlete. She is now a hotel business manager. The girl copes well with her profession and has also achieved certain heights in her field. It is worth saying that the strong character and talent in the girls’ genes is probably all thanks to their sports education and the boundless love of their parents, who tried to do everything possible for their children.

Does Alina Kabaeva have children and who is her husband? Vladimir Putin?

As for Alina Kabaeva’s children, in 2013 she publicly stated that she does not have children and is not planning to plan them, although there is a rumor that supposedly in 2015 the great figure skater finally found her female happiness. Information has repeatedly surfaced in the press that Alina supposedly has children from Vladimir Putin, even two, and that in fact she and her children live in the president’s house in Germany. Photographs even appeared, but as it turned out later, the most famous photograph, where Alina is holding a child in her arms, as everyone says on the Internet, Alina Kabaeva’s son from Putin, is also tritely explained, because the girl was holding her nephew in her arms.

But all these are just rumors, which Alina and Vladimir Putin have repeatedly denied. Alina has not yet found her betrothed, so the girl does not have children and is not planning to. The children of Alina Kabaeva would certainly be happy next to such a famous and purposeful mother, but Alina is still immersed in her career, and is not going to think about children yet.

If you look at the beautiful Alina Kabaeva, it becomes clear that the girl does not need the help of plastic surgeons. Thanks to the fact that she played sports since childhood, Kabaeva learned to control herself and limit her body to junk food. Therefore, even now, when the girl has already left her career as an athlete, she still looks great and is not getting better at all. Alina Kabaeva’s appearance is entirely her merit. The only thing the girl resorts to is the help of cosmetologists.

Masks, peeling, various skin treatments help you always stay in good shape and prevent age from leaving its mark. Photos of Alina Kabaeva before and after plastic surgery are impossible to find, because the young beauty simply has no need to seek the help of plastic surgery.

Every girl can look this great if she puts in more effort. Don't let yourself down now and then you will look great at any age. Another secret of Kabaeva is constant employment. The girl has a lot to do and she doesn’t sit still at all; this lifestyle allows her to stay in shape, because there is simply no time left for various unhealthy snacks.

Instagram and Wikipedia Alina Kabaeva

You can find out all the information about Alina Kabaeva using Instagram and Wikipedia Alina Kabaeva. But in reality, the star is not very keen on social networks, so it is difficult to follow her daily life. Instagram only has a fan page for the star, where you can see photos from various kinds of official events, or photos from magazines, the press, and political meetings.

Alina herself has no time to deal with such banalities as distributing her photographs, because as we all understand in connection with the growth of her career, the girl is busy with serious political issues, and the girl does not have enough time for an ordinary life. But Alina, like many celebrities, has a personal website that contains the most necessary information about her, for example, the girl’s biography, her latest projects and the most popular photographs.

For many years, Alina showed the whole world what she is capable of. The fragile girl, who began her career as a gymnast, has already managed to star in a video, be a model, actress, and even a politician. It is worth noting that Alina gives all girls in Russia to understand one important truth.

You should never be afraid to move forward towards your dreams. If you are confident in your abilities, you will succeed. Kabaeva faced both ups and downs on her life's path, but she never gave up and it was thanks to her strong and purposeful character that she became what she is now. Therefore, always look to the future with hope.

Marat Vazykhovich Kabaev was born on May 27, 1961 in the village of Uzun in Uzbekistan, at that time the Uzbek USSR. Known as the Soviet and Uzbek master of sports of the USSR in football, the father of multiple champion in rhythmic gymnastics Alina Kabaeva. Marat Vazykhovich is a Tatar by nationality, and a Muslim by religious beliefs.

His parents moved to Uzbekistan from Tatarstan before the birth of Marat. Kabaev's father was the chairman of the republican federation of the UzSSR for national Kuresh wrestling.

Early years

From a young age he showed interest in football. Since 1976, he has already played in the team of the Labor Reserves of Moscow and the Moscow Region, after 3 years he moved to the Termez Avtomobilist club, and from the age of 19 he has already been playing for the famous football club of Uzbekistan, located in Tashkent, Pakhtakor.

In 1981. As part of the youth team, he took part in the international tournament in French Toulon from the USSR. In 1983 he was a member of the Olympic team of the Soviet Union.

Since 1986. plays for the first league football club in Rostov-on-Don - SKA. In 1987 he returned to Pakhtakor, where he immediately became the top scorer. In 1989, he moved to the Dnepr football club in Dnepropetrovsk, however, due to an injury, his career did not work out and Kabaev returned back to Pakhtakor, where after two seasons he temporarily stopped his career and left for Israel.

Since 1991. continues his football career in the second league club Umid, and then in the Pavlodar club Traktor. After the collapse of the USSR, he played for the Kazakhstan national team. In 1993 he became the champion of Kazakhstan, won silver and bronze medals, and took the place of team captain. His further football career continues in the Uzbek club “Navbahor” and Samarkand “Dynamo”. Kabaev finally ended his football career in 1998, and two years later began coaching.

Career development

In 2011 he moved to Kazan, the capital of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

May 11, 2017 vacates the position of President of the Association of Muslim Entrepreneurs ahead of schedule and moves from Tatarstan to Moscow to conduct new projects to assist businesses. He will likely devote more time to the previously open Islamic Business Association, which was presented in Moscow in February 2017.

Marat has held the post of president of the Association of Muslim Entrepreneurs of the Russian Federation since November 2014. During his work in the Association, he managed to open 10 new representative offices of the organization in the Russian Federation and one representative office abroad. In 2015, he organized the First Congress of Muslim Entrepreneurs. Halal meals were also provided on Aeroflot flights. Among his achievements, it is worth noting the opening of the School of Islamic Business, which is supervised by the above-mentioned Association.


Officially married once, wife Lyubov Mikhailovna, Russian by nationality, played basketball, was a member of the Uzbekistan national basketball team. Has two daughters:

  • Alina Maratovna,
  • Leysan Maratovna.

Leysan Kabaeva works as a lawyer, is the director of a real estate company, and lives in Moscow. At the amateur level he practices fencing and rhythmic gymnastics.

Alina Kabaeva - athlete, multiple champion of Russia, Europe and the world in rhythmic gymnastics. He holds the title of Honored Master of Sports of Russia. After completing his sports career in 2007, he has been involved in political activities and is a member of the United Russia party. Since 2008, he has headed the public council of the National Media Group company, which fully or partially controls the following well-known channels:

  • Channel 5;
  • First channel;
  • Viasat Russia;
  • REN-TV and many others.

Kabaev's wife- baptized and, like daughter Alina, professes Orthodoxy, unlike her Muslim father.

Marat Kabaev, the father of Alina Kabaeva, is known in Russia primarily as the parent of a famous athlete. However, Marat Vazikhovich achieved popularity as a football player and coach. In one of her interviews, the eldest daughter Alina noted that in Tashkent they call her not a famous gymnast, but the daughter of the famous football player Kabaev. Marat Kabaev became one of the most influential Muslims in the Russian Federation, thanks to the fact that he actively developed the Association of Muslim Entrepreneurs in the Russian Federation. As President of the Association, Marat Kabaev provided significant support to business. Currently, he continues his activities to support business projects of Muslim entrepreneurs in Moscow.

Coaching activities

Before engaging in social activities in the association, was a coach of several football clubs: in 2004 he trains the players of the Tashkent club "Tractor", in 2008 he holds the position of head coach of the reserve football team of AGMK in Almalyk. From 2000 to 2008 with a break of one year, he was a coach at the Republican Football School. Since 2009, he coached young football players in the Uzbekistan youth team, and in 2011 he moved to FC Kyzylkum, again as a coach. Since 2012, he held the position of senior coach-selector of the Kazan football club “Rubin”.

The phrase “Komsomol member, athlete and simply beautiful” suits Alina Kabaeva perfectly. She managed to combine various types of activities in her life and achieve great success in them. In the past, Alina is a master of sports, a rhythmic gymnast who has won the championship title many times. She is involved in charity work and recently tried her hand at politics. Kabaeva is a very popular person in the Russian media space. Various media outlets constantly publish the latest, latest news about Alina Kabaeva and her personal life.

early years

Alina Kabaeva was born in 1983 in Tashkent. Her father is a famous former football player who became a coach after retiring. Alina's mother was also closely connected with sports - she played for the Uzbekistan basketball team.

Alina herself became interested in sports at an early age, although her parents did not force her. So the question of whether or not to be an athlete did not arise before her. I had to decide which sport to devote myself to. The option of figure skating was no longer available - there were no schools or qualified coaches nearby.

Alina Kabaeva in childhood

Then my parents chose rhythmic gymnastics. Alina took her first steps in this difficult task under the guidance of Anelia Malkina and Lyudmila Nikitina. At that time she was not yet four years old.

When Alina turned twelve, she moved to Moscow. There I.A. took up her training. Viner-Usmanova is a teacher and famous gymnastics coach. First of all, Irina Alexandrovna told her pupil to lose weight: the girl was overweight for a gymnast.

Life in sports: victories and defeats

Already in the mid-nineties, Alina Kabaeva began competing for the Russian rhythmic gymnastics team. In 1998, at the European Championships, she won her first title. At that time she was only fifteen years old. In total, she received the title of European champion five times during her career. It was a kind of record, the likes of which had never been seen in the history of sports.

In 1999, another victory awaited the young sports star - the title of world champion at competitions in Japan. In 2001, at the championship in Madrid, she achieved the title of absolute world champion for the first time. The second time this happened was in 2003 in Budapest.

But Alina Kabaeva’s sports career did not consist of continuous triumphs. There were disappointments and even scandals.

Famous ice skater

In 2000, the twenty-seventh Summer Olympics took place in Sydney. Of course, Alina Kabaeva took part in it; moreover, she was the favorite. After a series of brilliant victories, no one doubted that here too she would win a gold medal. But at the very end of her performance, Alina accidentally dropped the hoop, which was considered a mistake. As a result, she received only bronze at the Olympics.

The most difficult test for Alina Kabaeva was the doping scandal in 2001. Then she and Irina Chashchina were disqualified for using furosemide. Furosemide itself is not a dope, but it is often used to remove the remains of doping drugs from the body. For this reason, furosemide is banned by WADA (World Anti-Doping Agency), and if traces of this substance are found in the blood of an athlete, this automatically leads to his disqualification.

The punishment was severe: deprivation of all awards won recently, as well as suspension from competition for two years. In the first year, both athletes were completely deprived of the opportunity to compete.

Alina Kabaeva, five-time world champion in artistic gymnastics

In the second “penalty” year, they were subject to conditional disqualification, although they were allowed to compete, but their every step was strictly controlled.

A new triumph for Alina Kabaeva was the 2004 Athens Olympics, which brought her gold. She became the best in exercises with a mace, ribbon and ball. As for the hoop exercise, Irina Chashchina beat her here, but such a failure as four years ago did not happen.

After this, a rumor appeared that Kabaeva would certainly participate in the 2008 Beijing Olympics. However, in 2007 she decided to end her sports career.

From athletes to politicians

Even before leaving sports, Alina Kabaeva became involved in politics. In 2001, at the age of eighteen, she joined United Russia, and at the same time joined the Supreme Council of this party, where she remained until 2005. After leaving the Supreme Council, she joined the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation. A few months earlier, Alina Kabaeva signed a letter “against Khodorkovsky” - an appeal from cultural figures in which they supported the sentence of the head of YUKOS and argued that he could not be considered a political prisoner.

At the end of 2007, Kabaeva left the Public Chamber to become a State Duma deputy from United Russia. She remained in this post until 2014.

A. Kabaeva - Deputy of the State Duma

As a deputy, she was noted for helping her colleagues develop and promote some bills. Among them was the “Dima Yakovlev Law,” which was controversially adopted by society, which prohibits Americans from adopting children from Russia.

After working as a deputy for seven years, Kabaeva left the State Duma. The media holding National Media Group became a new field for its activities. Back in 2008, she was elected chairman of the Public Council of this holding, and in 2014 she headed its board of directors.


In 2008, Alina Kabaeva founded and headed her own charitable foundation. This organization helped restore the city of Tskhinvali, destroyed during the Georgian-Ossetian war. For example, a sports complex was built with her funds in Tskhinvali.

Kabaeva heads a charitable foundation

In addition, the foundation was involved in libraries in the villages of the Nizhnekamsk region of Tatarstan, to which Kabaeva was assigned as a deputy. Finally, with the support of the foundation, a children's rhythmic gymnastics festival has already been held several times.

Sometimes it seems that Alina Kabaeva’s public activities and her personal life are inseparable. According to the latest news, she herself is present at all festivals and is involved in organizational matters.

Actress, model, TV presenter

In the early 2000s, Alina Kabaeva first came to television - this was when the anti-doping scandal happened and she was suspended from competitions. Sports channel 7TV (the future “Seven”) invited Alina to host the “Empire of Sports” program, which was released once a week. In the summer of 2008, Alina came to Ren-TV. There she became the host of another program, “Steps to Success,” which talks about what the life path of successful people was like and how they achieved their goal.

The girl tried herself as a model

Alina Kabaeva has repeatedly participated in fashion shows. As a fashion model, she starred in projects by photographer Ekaterina Rozhdestvenskaya. Alina also tried herself as an actress. Back in 2001, the Japanese action adventure film Akakage (Red Shadow) was released. Here she played a minor character named Olga. But the matter was not limited to the film - the newly minted actress starred in advertising many times, and once even in a video for a song dedicated to herself.

Personal life: gossip, rumors, facts

In the first half of the 2000s, Alina met with David Museliani, a policeman at one of the Moscow police departments. At the time of their romance, he was well over thirty. The press delightedly savored the latest news about Alina Kabaeva, journalists and fans made hypotheses: is the sports star going to get married? In 2004, Alina gave an interview to Seven Days magazine, where she said that she and David had a wedding scheduled for next summer. However, in 2006 they separated “by mutual decision,” as the athlete herself said.

And a real bomb was already brewing in the media space. In April 2008, this bomb exploded: the Moscow Correspondent newspaper wrote that Alina Kabaeva and... Vladimir Putin were preparing for the wedding. Many media outlets enthusiastically picked up the news.

David Museliani and Alina Kabaeva

However, both Putin himself and Kabaeva denied everything. Moreover, Alina’s press secretary demanded that the newspaper publish a refutation.

Soon, one of the employees of the Moscow Correspondent stated that the gossip about the wedding of the president and the sports star was invented by the journalists themselves in order to “plug a hole” in the new issue, which they were preparing for release - and there were not enough publications for a full-fledged issue.

Alina Kabaeva was born into a very athletic family: her father played professional football, first with the famous Pakhtakor, and later with the Pavlodar Traktor, with whom he won the Kazakhstan champion title in 1993.

Mother Alina was not a titled athlete, but she also played basketball since childhood and even played for some time as part of the Uzbek national team.

In childhood and youth

It’s not surprising that sports have been a part of Alina’s life from a very young age. Already at 3.5 years old, her mother brought her to the rhythmic gymnastics studio. At first, Alina didn’t like it there too much - she was more attracted to artistic gymnastics.

But the girl was not accepted into this section as unpromising - she was never skinny, and the gymnastics coach immediately rejected her.

But Alina’s mother dreamed of seeing the girl become a famous figure skater. But the figure skating school in sunny Uzbekistan was rather weak, so the choice fell on gymnastics. At first, the girl stayed in rhythmic gymnastics only because she liked the beautiful music and bright costumes in which the gymnasts performed.

Alina also liked her first coaches, who taught her perseverance, hard work, and most importantly, made her believe in herself and her own capabilities.

Moving to the capital

When the girl turned 12 years old, she had already achieved good sports results, and her parents decided to help her in her further advancement. Mom makes an appointment with the leading Moscow coach, three-time champion of Uzbekistan in rhythmic gymnastics Irina Viner.

Despite the strong excitement, the girl was able to demonstrate excellent capabilities, and Irina keeps her among her students. However, Alina is given a strict condition: to immediately lose a few more kilograms in order to be able to compete at prestigious competitions.

Gathering all her will into a fist, Alina fulfilled the requirements of the new coach, and after a year of intense many hours of training, she finally joined the Russian national team in 1996. Already performing at serious competitions, Alina is gaining sports experience, which she so lacked for a confident victory.

And just two years later he received his first gold medal at the European Championships. She would subsequently receive this award four more times.

Alina managed to win the world championship for the first time in 1999 at a competition in Osaka. This championship was a real triumph for the athlete. She received individual gold in three disciplines and also became a champion with the team. But the real dream of the young athlete was, of course, the Olympic podium, and only its top step.

Olympic gold

Kabaeva’s first Olympics was the competition held in Sydney in 2004. Despite the fact that many predicted her victory, Kabaeva’s performance was not very successful. She managed to conquer the Olympic podium, but the athlete only got the third, bottom step and a bronze medal.

It’s hard to say whether the excitement took its toll or whether the lack of sports experience played a cruel joke again, but Alina herself and her many fans were disappointed.

And only the talented coach and psychologist Irina Viner supported the athlete during this difficult period. It was she who made Alina believe in herself again and treat defeat as an incentive to work on herself even more. And Kabaeva entered the next Olympics fully armed. She confidently won the all-around and finally realized her long-time dream and became an Olympic champion.

From sports to politics

Having come to the attention of the country's top officials and under the close attention of the public, Kabaeva becomes a public person. Back in the winter of 2001, she was elected one of the leaders of the United Russia party and regularly participates in meetings of its Supreme Council. And in 2005 she was elected a member of the Public Chamber of Russia.

There, her responsibilities included participation in charity programs and taking care of proper insurance for athletes.

In 2007, Kabaeva was elected to the State Duma, where she actively promotes laws that protect children and youth. She still takes part in sports competitions and even wins championship titles again at the World and European Championships. However, it is becoming increasingly difficult to combine social activities and active sports, and Alina decides to leave sports and not compete at the next Olympics in Beijing.


As an Olympic champion, Alina becomes a regular participant in numerous social events and parties of the highest level. She tries her hand as a TV presenter, creating her own program about the lives of outstanding people, “Steps to Success.”

Famous performers write songs about her, and she gladly takes an active part in the filming of their videos about herself.

She also poses for the most famous glossy magazines. Kabaeva’s portfolio even includes candid photographs for the country’s main men’s magazine, Maxim. She is repeatedly recognized as one of the sexiest women in Russia and has many admirers and admirers.

The Olympic champion is a frequent guest of public events, where she invariably delights everyone with her beautiful appearance. In 2017, Kabaeva appeared at the Rossiya concert hall, where a rhythmic gymnastics festival was taking place at that time. It was organized by Kabaeva’s charitable foundation, and the festival was named “Alina” in honor of the champion.

The event was attended by hundreds of children - talented athletes who managed to achieve significant success in rhythmic gymnastics. They prepared choreographic numbers. Each girl performed in an original hand-sewn costume. The theme of the event was fairy tales. The festival was also attended by dance and music groups, famous theater and film actors, and pop stars.

On the occasion of the gymnast’s 35th birthday, the documentary film “Alina Kabaeva. A story of great victories." The premiere took place on the MIR TV channel.

Personal life and husband of Alina Kabaeva

From the very beginning, Kabaeva’s personal life was surrounded by rumors and gossip. Before her first Olympics, she was completely focused on sports, and only in 2002 did she have her first serious relationship with Moscow police captain David Museliani, who held a serious post. For some time there were even rumors about their upcoming wedding, which Alina did not try to refute.

However, for mysterious reasons, this relationship fell apart and in 2006 the couple officially separated without any clear explanation. A little later, new rumors spread - about the athlete’s affair with