I dream of a scarf around my neck. Why do you dream of a white scarf?

A headdress in a dream is a symbolic representation of life. The interpretation of a dream largely depends on the fabric from which it is made, as well as on the color. A headscarf can mean both good and bad.

Why do you dream of a headscarf according to the modern family dream book?

If a woman dreamed dream about her tying a scarf on her head, then in reality she behaves too harshly and provokes conflicts. After such a dream, you need to reconsider your life principles and change your behavior. She should restrain her violent temper and give up harsh assessments of her loved ones, otherwise there will be no peace and harmony in the family.

Why do you dream of wearing a scarf on your head? To a close trip, family separation. As a rule, business people have such a dream before a business trip.

If the dreamer sees a scarf on his shoulders, then in reality he is afraid of something, worries about what happened or is about to happen. Symbolically, the scarf is a burden of responsibility that has fallen on the dreamer’s shoulders and is crushing him. If you don't get rid of the burden, you can drive yourself to depression.

Why do women in black headscarves dream? The dream book interprets the dream as unfavorable. There are too many two-faced, unfriendly people around the dreamer. They spread gossip and spoil the dreamer's reputation. He needs to behave cautiously, not to believe flattering speeches and hypocritical smiles.

If a black scarf is covered on the head of the dreamer himself, then a long period of grief and serious trouble awaits him. Having passed the tests, he will become stronger in spirit.

If a black scarf in a dream is worn by the dreamer's mother, this means that his conscience is unclean. A person experiences an internal conflict that requires prompt resolution. The dreamer is unsure of himself, confused, and on the verge of depression.

Why do you dream of a scarf according to the new family dream book?

A dream about a scarf covering the dreamer's head foreshadows significant changes in his life.

If the scarf is soft and silky, this marks the tenderness of feelings that surround the dreamer. A dream about how the dreamer covers the head of a close relative, friend or lover with a silk scarf means that in reality he experiences both tenderness and sadness towards this person. Sometimes a dream foreshadows separation from him.

Why do you dream of a black scarf on your head? In mourning, the loss of a relative or friend. If the scarf is not black, but dark in color, this is a harbinger of sadness that will engulf the dreamer in the near future.

Why do you dream of a headscarf according to Freud’s dream book?

According to the dream book of the founder of psychoanalysis, the headscarf symbolizes the female body in a dream, a woman as an object of male interest

If the dreamer ties a scarf, he strives for intimacy, needs it. A dream about ironing or washing a headscarf has a similar meaning. Such a dream means that a man establishes sexual contacts very easily.

A woman had a dream about tying, washing or ironing a headscarf, means that in reality she wants sexual entertainment, and not traditional, but unusual.

If the dreamer has lost his handkerchief, then in real life he is disappointed in his partner. The intimate life between them has ended or will end in the near future.

Silk head scarf symbolically means a desire for intimacy with a same-sex partner.

Why do you dream of a headscarf according to Miller’s dream book?

If a young girl sees a scarf on her head, then in reality she will soon meet a young man and become interested in him. If the scarf is torn or dirty, then the hobby will not last long and will only bring suffering due to constant quarrels and misunderstandings.

Women's headscarf symbolizes secrecy, secret knowledge, restraint. If it is put on the head, but constantly slides off, then in reality restraint prevents a person from receiving important information or forming close relationships. If a woman ties a scarf around her head in a dream, she intends to keep secrets and fidelity.

Silk scarf covering the shoulders means that feelings are very difficult to hide. In the near future, the dam of restraint will break and they will spill out.

Why do women in black headscarves dream? Unfortunately, that should be expected in the near future. If a black scarf is worn on the head, this is a harbinger of mourning.

If in a dream someone gives you a scarf, then in reality you will have to learn a big secret.

Why do you dream of a headscarf according to Vanga’s dream book?

If a woman or man ties a scarf around their head in a dream, then important changes will soon happen to them. Something will happen that will simply be impossible to survive alone. If the dreamer turns to another person for advice, he will make a mistake. He must look to God for an answer.

Why dream of a headscarf according to the 20th century dream book

If the dreamer sees that other people are wearing scarves on their heads, then some important information is being hidden from him. The dreamer has no idea that he has not known the true intentions and moods of those around him for a long time.

Why do you dream of a light-colored scarf? If it is placed on the head of a friend or relative, then the dream is unfavorable. The dream foreshadows a serious illness for this person. If the dreamer convinces him to see a doctor, one can hope for healing or prevent the development of a serious illness.

If a beautiful, richly embroidered scarf or stole is thrown over the shoulders the dreamer, in reality a profitable business awaits him. Very influential people will take part in it, and the dreamer will be able to show his competence. After such a dream, one should hope for significant changes in fate, a transition to a new level of the social ladder.

The dreamer dreamed of a down scarf- a hint that some important things are escaping his attention. A person is obsessed with little things, finds fault with any insignificant detail, conflicts out of nowhere, and does not notice something important.

If a young woman sees that she is wearing a headscarf, in real life she strives for perfection, constantly works on herself, and knows how to control the situation.

Why do you dream of a black scarf? The symbolism of such a dream is associated not only with mourning, but generally predicts mental anguish. Perhaps they will be the result of gossip spread about the dreamer by his worst enemies.

The dream of being pure a beautiful scarf is placed on the head of a male dreamer, portends him a calm, peaceful life in the family. His wife remains faithful; one should not expect either betrayal or deception from her. If the scarf is torn and dirty, then the dream must be interpreted in the opposite way.

Why does a married woman dream of a headscarf? The dream foreshadows that she is on the verge of serious changes. They can turn out to be both good and bad. Therefore, just in case, it is worth preparing for negative developments. If a woman, putting on a scarf, clearly feels some kind of emotion in a dream, then it will be the main one in real life.

Why do you dream of a headscarf according to Tsvetkov’s dream book?

According to the interpretation of this dream book, a headscarf is a harbinger of good changes in life. After such a dream, the line of fate can zigzag and completely change for the better.

If the dreamer puts a scarf on his head, this is neither good nor bad. You should wait for everyday troubles and come to terms with the fact that your favorite things will have to be put aside. In the near future there will simply be no time for them.

Why do you dream of a scarf according to the esoteric dream book?

If the dreamer buys a scarf for his head, then in real life he was tired of hardships and constant responsibilities. A scarf is a symbolic representation of the protection from troubles that a person needs. This is the desire to hide from everything bad, unpleasant, an urgent need for a protector, a reliable support in life.

Why do you dream of a scarf given to the dreamer? To obtain reliable protection from an influential person or several people who have weight in society. After such a dream, there is no need to worry about the resolution of some difficult situation: everything will go well for the dreamer, because he is under guardianship.

If in a dream a person accidentally finds a headscarf, then in real life he dreams of traveling. And such opportunities will soon present themselves: exciting trips await the dreamer that will bring positive emotions. However, a dream in which a handkerchief found is torn, soiled, or simply not liked, portends unfavorable trips, negative emotions, and unsatisfied desires.

A beautiful headscarf - for a letter, good news, a gift.

Tying a headscarf on your head means restraining yourself, there is some kind of trip ahead.

Seeing your scarf on another woman means trouble.

A handkerchief symbolizes anxiety and disputes.

A cotton scarf predicts need, poverty.

A silk scarf predicts falling in love.

A clean handkerchief means a sad event, loss.

A dirty handkerchief means wealth.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of the 21st century

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Seeing a Scarf in a dream

The scarf is news. Someone gave or bought a scarf: white - good news, black - sad. A white scarf in a dream indicates a letter with good news, a black one - with bad news. If you dream of a scarf, it means wealth. If you dream of black scarves (especially young people), then this is a sign of love; pockmarked with a large check - there will definitely be letters; multi-colored, flowery scarves - for matchmaking. A red scarf is news of weakness. Dreaming of someone wearing a white scarf or just a white scarf - news of the illness of the one wearing the scarf. A girl in a black headscarf is weakness.

Interpretation of dreams from the Ukrainian dream book

What does the dream Scarf mean?

Tying a scarf means going to a nearby road. If you dreamed that one of your relatives gave you a scarf, the dream means that some news will force you to hit the road.

Imagine that you are tying a scarf on your head. If you are not interested in fulfilling the dream, then imagine giving the scarf to someone else.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of Simeon Prozorov

Seeing a Scarf in a dream

Letter, gift, news, wealth, change; spread out - write a letter; white - for a meeting with a guy (girl), good news // illness; red – acquaintance // illness; yellow – separation; black - they will denigrate you, sadness, complaint, sad news, illness; colorful - matchmaking; tying your head is a chore; wave - the girl is getting married; waving a black handkerchief - news of death; Covering yourself with something warm means a change for the better, prosperity; torn to look - gossip, poverty; to lose is a shame.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation Veles

Dream about the Scarf

If you dream that your head is covered with a scarf, then the dream foreshadows changes in life. A dark scarf on the head is a sign of sadness, and a black one is a harbinger of mourning and the loss of a friend. A silk scarf signifies tenderness of feelings. A dream in which you covered the head of a loved one with a silk scarf portends you tenderness and sadness about this person. Sometimes such a dream also indicates that you will be separated from this person. See interpretation: handkerchief.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

Meaning of dreams Scarf

Symbolizes restraint or secrecy.

Wearing a comfortable scarf on your head is a sign that you may not want to reveal your deepest thoughts and feelings to strangers.

An uncomfortable scarf: indicates that your secrecy may somehow hinder you.

A scarf thrown over your shoulders: suggests that pent-up feelings can give themselves away, because they are ready to break free at any moment.

Taking off a scarf or waving it: a sign of complete sincerity.

If in your dream someone you know waves a handkerchief at you: such a dream says that you can safely trust this person.

Seeing others wearing headscarves in a dream suggests that you have no idea about someone’s true intentions and moods.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of the 20th century

Meaning of sleep Scarf

Handkerchief - Handkerchief: for tears; giving - to the grief that your loved ones will cause you. Head buy - look for protection. To give is to call for help. To see on someone - they will help you. To put on, to wear yourself - to be under the protection of people or organizations.

Interpretation of dreams from Kananita's Dream Book

What does it mean to see a Scarf in a dream?

Tying a scarf on your head means curbing yourself, the road lies ahead.

If you see yours on another woman, your friend will be taken away.

A black scarf means mourning, the death of loved ones.

Interpretation of dreams from

Today there is an unimaginably huge number of dream books that interpret dreams in different ways. For example, when you dream of a scarf on your head, some authors write - to good news, others - wealth, and still others - patronage. Let's not delve into the interpretations of modern science fiction writers, but take a look at the scientific works of the famous prophetess Vanga, Miller, who devoted decades to the study of dreams, and also get acquainted with the Old Russian and Ukrainian dream books, which were compiled on the basis of the centuries-old practice of the Slavic peoples. So, why do you dream of different scarves worn on your head?

What Vanga said

Vanga considered interpreting dreams based on one symbol to be a wrong action. For example, your head is tied with a scarf, and you are caught in a snowstorm, problems lie ahead, and if you are having fun at a wedding, you will meet the chosen one of fate.

There are some clarifications of the situations.

    If you tie it on his head, you will soon need help and protection from higher powers. The event that will happen will confuse you, it will seem too complicated, and you will go to strangers for advice, but this should not be done, you need to follow your intuition.

    If the headdress is tied around the head with the ends over the neck, then a long-awaited career growth awaits you.

    When you dream that you have a scarf on your head that was given as a gift, success, prosperity, good luck in all your endeavors are ahead.

    Tying a tight knot in a scarf means trying to solve a complex problem on your own without outside help, but this leads to complicating the situation. If you cut it, broke the tight knot, it means that your actions are correct.

A lot of symbols in a dream means the dream is not prophetic; if the colors are bright, perhaps the prophecies will come true. The context of the dream is important, not the individual object seen.

Miller's Dream Book

Explanation of dreams also means that the scarf itself may misrepresent the situation.

For example, if your head is tied with a scarf and blue eyes look at you carefully, then failure lies ahead due to indecision in actions. When gray eyes are observed, the treacherous behavior of a flatterer awaits, brown eyes - expect failure from a treacherous sly, and so on.

    If you dreamed of a scarf on your head, a tempting offer will soon await you, promising benefits.

    A young girl can meet her groom, and if she loses her, her beloved will leave.

    A married woman suffers from shame as a result of an affair.

    A beautiful, expensive piece of clothing means good luck and popularity.

    Old, shabby - loss of property.

    If dirty, intrigue and slander await you.

    A woolen scarf symbolizes wonderful prospects. If you are presented with a gift, there is profit ahead, and the richer the material, the more will arrive. When there is a hole, there are problems ahead associated with new beginnings.

What else does the dream book tell you: a white scarf on your head symbolizes that you must submit to fate and listen to the opinions of others. However, there is no need to take the predictions seriously.

It is almost impossible to correctly decipher the entire context of a dream.

Old Russian dream book

A scarf for good news, change, wealth.

But again, you need to take into account other dreamed symbols, for example, color and actions performed:

    white - expect a pleasant meeting,

    red - a new acquaintance is ahead (or maybe an illness),

    colorful - for a wedding,

    if you tie it in front of a mirror, there is trouble ahead,

    dark-colored fabric is a sign of sadness, and black is a harbinger of tragic loss,

    elegant silk - good news, surprise, happiness,

    torn - loss, sadness.

If you dream of a warm scarf on your head, good changes and profits await you.

Ukrainian folk dream book

The main explanation of what it means to put a scarf on your head in a dream is that news awaits you.

Depending on the color - joyful or unpleasant:

    someone gave it, or the color of the headdress is white - good news, perhaps in a letter.

    Black, even given as a gift, carries sad news,

    dreaming of a red scarf - news of illness.

When it covers the head and neck, news of honors, inheritance, wealth.

If in a dream you tie a tight knot, there is news about the problems of stagnation in work; if you untie it, it is news of achieving a goal.


The most correct dream book has not yet been compiled, and is unlikely to appear, since it is impossible to accurately decipher the combination of all symbols and situations. Therefore, it is better to throw mysticism and esotericism out of your head; they interfere with living fully here and now, forcing you to look back at yesterday’s dream with a scarf tied or untied over your hair.

A beautiful headscarf - for a letter, good news, a gift.

Tying a headscarf on your head means restraining yourself, there is some kind of trip ahead.

Seeing your scarf on another woman means trouble.

A handkerchief symbolizes anxiety and disputes.

A cotton scarf predicts need, poverty.

A silk scarf predicts falling in love.

A clean handkerchief means a sad event, loss.

A dirty handkerchief means wealth.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of the 21st century

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Dream Interpretation - Shawl

If you dream that you have a scarf on your head, then in the near future you will be told about something very important. In order not to miss this, eat a leaf of golden mustache within a week.

If you dream that you are cutting a scarf, get ready to part with a loved one. To prevent this from happening, sleep all night in a scarf, pour coffee on the scarf in the morning and burn a piece of this scarf near the doors of the people you care about.

Interpretation of dreams from

A scarf is a universal item. With its help you can wipe away tears, cover your head, and say goodbye. Details will help you understand why you dream of a scarf in a dream: size, color, appearance and method of use. After all, a dream in which you saw a scarf can equally portend great sorrow or boundless happiness. To accurately interpret what you see, you need to analyze all the features of the dream and seek help from a dream book.


Veselov’s dream book believes that if you happen to see a scarf in a dream, it means that in reality you will receive unexpected news that will help you achieve prosperity and position in society. Are you spreading it out? Such a plot confirms that by writing a letter, you yourself, without knowing it, will bring good luck to its addressee.

Why might a young girl dream of a scarf? According to Miller’s dream book, a young lady can count on genuine interest from the opposite sex. However, if he was of an unpresentable appearance, then the romance in the future will not bring the desired joy. Quarrels, resentments and misunderstandings will become frequent guests in your relationship.

According to Tsvetkova’s dream book, if you dreamed of a handkerchief, then in reality you will not be able to avoid troubles and problems. But a headscarf can change your life for the better, make it brighter and richer.

Are you wondering why you dream of wearing a headscarf? Such a plot will bring troubles and minor everyday problems into your life. For some time you will have to put off entertainment and hobbies.

The 21st century dream book explains why you dream of tying a scarf. For a woman, such a dream comes as a warning. She must humble her character and curb herself if she wants to maintain harmony and peace in the house.

Did you have to put on a headscarf and go outside? You will be traveling soon. Perhaps it will be of a business nature and will bring you good dividends.

A scarf on your shoulders reflects your subconscious fears and experiences. Most likely, your family and friends have placed too much on you, and the burden of responsibility leads to depressive moods. You should discuss the current situation and come to some kind of decision.

According to the prediction of the Esoteric Dream Book, if you dream about buying yourself a scarf as a headdress, then in reality you are subconsciously trying to hide from all problems.

Why do you dream that you were given a scarf? Such a plot foretells the appearance of a patron and protector for the sleeper, who will become a reliable “rear” and protect him from any misfortunes.

Do you daydream about traveling? A dream in which you found someone else's scarf promises you the fulfillment of this desire. But if, after seeing the find, you experienced negative emotions, then the trip will be overshadowed by something.

What kind of scarf?

To find the answer to why you dream of a scarf, remember what it looked like: material, pattern and whether it was pleasant to the touch.
If in a dream you saw a bright white scarf worn by another person, then soon its owner will become seriously ill.

Why do you dream about seeing a shawl? Any stole draped over the shoulders in a dream is a very favorable sign. It foretells a profitable business that the sleeper can do with the help of an influential patron.