A girl's hobbies are an example. What can you be passionate about? Different hobbies of people of different ages

The work of Painting Lampas

If you think that calligraphy is only hieroglyphs, then you are mistaken. Cyrillic, Arabic, and Hebrew can elevate alphabetic characters to the level of art. And it's always more than drawing. Calligraphy is pure creativity and zen.

Improve your calligraphy skills:

  1. “Ultramarine” is an online magazine about graffiti, street art, design, art and street culture in Russia and abroad. A separate section is devoted to calligraphy.
  2. Calligraffiti.nl is the website of one of the most popular calligraphers and street artists, Nils Möllmann, known as Shoe. He is considered the inventor of the calligraffiti style.

2. Doodling and zentangle - irrational painting


This activity is suitable for those who start scribbling as soon as they pick up a writing medium. This is how it is translated from English - “doodle”. This is an irrational drawing style that develops memory and creativity, as well as an independent form of modern art.

Get better at doodling and zentangle:

  • Tanglepatterns.com is a well-known site with a huge number of patterns for creating zentangle tiles.
  • Zendoodle- a large community for those who love doodling and zentangle.

3. Marbling - drawing on water


Have you ever looked for weird cloud shapes in the sky? Then this hobby is for you: using insoluble paints, a pattern is created on the surface of the water, and then transferred to paper, fabric or any surface. It turns out very unusual and beautiful, and the process is truly mesmerizing.

There are two main marbling techniques: Persian ebru and Japanese suminagashi. The first is dominated by abstract patterns, while the second is dominated by circular patterns.

Improve yourself in the art of marbling:

  • Marbling.org is an international marbling community with a library, gallery and forum.
  • Suminagashi.com - a site dedicated to suminagashi and other types of marbling.

4. Freezelight - frozen light


Perhaps you have already met strange young people who perform magic with flashlights in front of cameras. These are freezelighters. From the English freeze - “freeze” and light - “light”. The light really seems to freeze in the frosty air when it is shot at a long shutter speed. Using this technique, both beautiful abstractions and integral figurative compositions are created. The main thing is no computer processing.

Level up in freezelight:

  • Lpwa.pro is a worldwide alliance of light painters.
  • Freezelight.ru is an original Russian-language art project dedicated to painting with light. On the site you will find video tutorials and a gallery with cool works.

5. Mehendi - henna painting on the body


An ancient oriental tradition, which is again on the wave of popularity in the 21st century. There are more and more artists developing in mehendi, and if you are also looking for new forms, then be sure to try drawing henna on the body. Another form of passion for mehendi is photographing in images created on its basis, including in nude style.

Upgrade to mehendi:

  • Mehendischool.ru - online training in henna painting.
  • Nidhi's MehndiART- the author's YouTube channel with video tutorials on mehendi for beginners.

6. Kanzashi - ribbon decorations


Kanzashi is a traditional Japanese hair ornament that women wear with their kimono. For us, this term has acquired a new sound - kanzashi - and a new meaning. Kanzashi is a needlework technique that is used to create beautiful hairpins, brooches and other jewelry. To try yourself in this direction, you will need several satin ribbons, a candle or lighter and a needle and thread.

Upgrade to Kanzashi:

  • Kanzashi.club is a site where master classes and literature on kanzashi are collected.
  • “Masters Fair” - in the section dedicated to kanzashi, there are many photo and video tutorials.

7. Felting - wool felting


Felting (filting) is a handicraft technique when three-dimensional drawings, toys, panels and other decorative elements are created from wool. There are several directions: dry, wet felting, nuno-felting. To work, you will need sheep wool, a special needle or soap solution. The hobby is ideal for women and children.

Improve your skills in felting:

  • Woolwares.ru - a site about felting for beginners with videos and master classes.
  • Club.osinka.ru - a forum section about felting on the most popular site about needlework.

8. Isographics - embroidery on cardboard

In our country, this activity is also called thread graphics or simply isothread, and in English-speaking countries - embroidery on paper (“embroidery on paper”). All you need to create in this direction is thick paper and thread. Great for sharing creativity with children.

Upgrade in isographics:

  • “Country of Masters” - this site contains many master classes and examples of finished works, including those using the thread graphics technique.
  • « Favorite lesson» - a series of master classes on isothread.

9. Patchwork - patchwork sewing


A type of applied art with centuries-old traditions, when scattered scraps of fabric are transformed into a solid mosaic canvas. Using the patchwork technique (quilting, quilting), you can sew not only a blanket, but a bag or, for example, a toy.

Level up in patchwork:

  • Jacquelynnesteves.com is the blog of Jacqueline Steeves, who simply loves quilting.
  • Loskut.handmadecrafts.ru - patchwork workshop with materials from the paper magazine of the same name.


Hobbies for those who love to cook and draw. This can be done at the same time if you paint gingerbread cookies with icing (special sugar glaze). If you really get carried away and get good at it, you can even make money from it.

Get into gingerbread painting:

  • “Masters' Fair” is the most famous trading platform in RuNet for handmade goods, where, among other things, master classes on baking and decorating gingerbread are collected.
  • Julia Mylle- author's YouTube channel on gingerbread painting.

11. Brewing - preparing a foamy drink at home


This is a whole science. And many successfully master it right in their kitchens. At first, the result is encouraging: you won’t find tasty beer during the day. But then the process itself drags on.

Improve your brewing skills:

  • “Guide to Brewing Home Beer” - a detailed guide for beginners.
  • “Russian Wikipedia about home brewing” - all about how to brew a drink from malt and hops on your own.


Recycle translated from English means “reusing things.” This is the name of the environmental direction, which implies waste separation, responsible consumption and energy saving, as well as the direction of applied creativity. Why throw away grandma's old chest of drawers, plastic bottles or, if they can be given a second life? Just use your imagination.

Upgrade to recycle:

  • Recyclemag.ru is an online publication about an eco-friendly lifestyle. The site contains news, articles and tips on how to take care of the planet and live in accordance with the philosophy of minimalism.
  • Pinterest.com - on the most creative of all social networks you will find many master classes on repurposing and decorating old things. Request - DIY recycle.

13. Customizing - from jeans to bikes


Customizing is the alteration of clothing. Customizers turn skirts, shirts into dresses, and ordinary T-shirts are turned into designer ones. A hobby for those who always want to be in style, but are not ready to spend a lot of money on clothes.

For men, customization is often expressed in the transformation of motorcycles and cars. Custom bikes are real works of art, and their creators are usually literally passionate about their passion.

Get better at customizing:

  • “Second Street” is a website and community of the same name, where thousands of craftsmen post their work on remaking things and are inspired by each other’s ideas.
  • Customoto.com is a site where there is everything about creating exclusive motorcycles.

14. Modding - transforming equipment outside and inside


The term “modding”, that is, modification, change, is traditionally used in relation to the alteration of computers. The peak of fashion for this hobby came in the mid-2000s. Now smartphones and tablets rule, so they, as well as other gadgets, are being modified. For modern modders, not only the appearance, but also the performance of the devices is important.

Level up in modding:

  • Modding.ru is a large portal about modding with a forum.
  • Topmods.net is one of the oldest Russian-language sites about this hobby.


A beautiful and unusual hobby for biologists and romantics. In addition to special knowledge, you will need an insectarium, a humidifier, a thermometer and other devices to make the fluttering beauties feel good. But if everything works out, breeding tropical butterflies can become a profitable side hustle.

Get better at raising butterflies:

  • Wikihow.com - a detailed tutorial on creating beauty from a cocoon.
  • Raisingbutterflies.org is an English-language blog from a man who has been raising butterflies for over 30 years.

16. Contemporary - self-expression through dance


This is a dance style that combines classical, jazz-modern and oriental art of movement (qigong, yoga and tai chi). There are no clear boundaries in it, the main thing is self-expression. Contemporary art teaches you to understand your body, control it and express your inner world through movements.

Level up at the same pace:

  • "" - a site about the history, theory and practice of contempo. Lots of useful information about movements, methods and techniques.
  • Contemporary-dance.org is a large English-language website about contemporary dance.

17. Dancehall - music and dance from the heart of Jamaica


This is a music and dance style that grew out of reggae. Dancehall dance is especially popular now. Its dynamics and emancipation captivate you from the first seconds. If you're tired of your routine, need a burst of energy and want to compete in dance battles, this is the hobby for you.

Get pumped up in dancehall:

  • Dancehallreggae.com.au is an Australian website dedicated to Jamaican culture. There is a lot of music, videos and news from the world of reggae and dancehall.
  • Dancedb.ru is a site where video lessons and information on various dance styles, including dancehall, are collected.

18. Zumba - dance fitness


Born at the intersection of hip-hop, salsa, samba, merengue, mambo, flamenco and belly dance. This trend was invented by Colombian Alberto Perez in the late 1990s. Zumba uses the maximum number of muscles - it is not only a great pastime, but also an effective way to lose weight.

Pump up in Zumba:

  • Zumba.com is the official website of the Zumba fitness brand.
  • Zumba.pro - online poster of Zumba events. Here you will find like-minded people, information about parties and master classes.

19. Bookcarving - book carving


Bookcarving is the creation of three-dimensional compositions from multi-page paper manuscripts. Carving translated from English means “carving”, book means “book”. Book carving is popular all over the world, but it requires patience, hard work and accuracy. This is a hobby for diligent people with artistic thinking. The greatest heights in this art were achieved by Brian Dettmer, Nicholas Galanin, Guy Laramie, Kylie Stillman and Robert Te.

Level up in bookcarving:

  • Briandettmer.com - the official website of Brian Dettmer with photographs of the work of the magnificent master and videos of his performances.
  • Artifex.ru - a selection of articles about book carving in this creative almanac.

20. Bookcrossing - book exchange


Bookcrossing can be called one of the ways of beautiful. The essence is this: a person who has read a book leaves it in some public place (library, cafe, bookstore, subway, and so on). A random passer-by picks it up, takes it for himself to read, and in return he “loses” another book somewhere. You can track the movement of books on the project website. Its mission is to popularize reading and respect for nature.

Level up in bookcrossing:

  • Bookcrossing.com is an international bookcrossing website.
  • Ballycumber.ru is a Russian-language website in support of the international book exchange movement.

21. Postcrossing - a postcard from a stranger


Postcrossing is a global project, the essence of which is the exchange of paper postcards. The system gives you a random address, you send a postcard to the person, and then receive it from someone else (one of the schemes). As of 2017, over 676 thousand people from all over the world are registered on the official postcrossing website. People exchanged more than 40 million cards. Postcrossing is very popular in Russia and Belarus, because it is romantic and helps to find new friends.

Level up in postcrossing:

  • Postcrossing.com is the official website of the project.
  • Postcross.ru is a Russian-language portal for postcrossing enthusiasts.

22. Geocaching - treasure hunt


This is an international tourism game, the essence of which is to find “treasure”. Some players make caches, while others use GPS to search for them. Over its almost twenty-year history, the game has gained millions of fans. The advantage is that you can do this hobby not alone, but with the whole family or a group of friends.

Zlikovec/Depositphotos.com massonforstock/Depositphotos.com

Do you want to feel like a brave Roman legionnaire or a Russian warrior fighting for a prince? Immerse yourself in the wonderful world of historical reconstruction. This is both science and artistic creativity. Some restore ancient equipment and armor, others organize performances. To recreate everything reliably requires deep knowledge and patience. Historical reconstruction has many fans, clubs are created, and various festivals are held.

Level up in historical reconstructions:

  • Rushistory.org is the official website of the Russian Historical Society, a portal for professionals and history buffs.
  • Reconlog.ru - a catalog of historical reconstruction clubs, as well as events related to them.

25. Volunteering - free assistance


Volunteer activities are multifaceted. This is not only work in national parks and at sports and cultural events, but also, for example, helping orphans or homeless animals. You can choose the area of ​​volunteering you like and every day through good deeds you can receive a portion of new knowledge, experience and love.

Level up your volunteering:

  • "European Voluntary Service" is an international volunteer program.
  • “Volunteersrossii.rf” is the main volunteer resource in Russia.

What are you interested in? Tell us about your unusual hobbies in the comments.

The world of women's hobbies knows no boundaries, so it fills life with bright colors, gives a start to new stages of self-development, contributes to the formation of preferences and a purely individual view of the surrounding reality.

A picture painted with your own hands, or a dress embroidered with beads yourself is a classic among possible hobbies. Along with traditional hobbies, there are many extraordinary ones for a girl that help her find her way into the society of informal and creative people. If only for this reason, any girl should have her own hobby, which will distract her from everyday life, attacks of boredom and the blues. Moreover, you can please yourself with several interesting activities at once.

Types of hobbies

They can all be divided into traditional and non-traditional. Depending on the thematic focus, hobbies and hobbies for girls can be creative, sports, intellectual, and depending on the degree of physical activity - active and passive.

If there are many participants with similar interests, then it is customary to talk about a social (group) hobby; when a person does something alone, then it will be solitary (personal).

Productive hobbies occur when there is explicit self-expression, for example, through creativity, and reproductive hobbies occur when talents are deliberately not demonstrated, for example, collecting stamps.

You can determine that a hobby is suitable based on the following criteria:

  1. it arouses genuine interest;
  2. there is a constant desire to do it;
  3. the next “portion” of such an activity lifts your mood;
  4. a lot of time and effort is spent on it;
  5. everything is done diligently and with special zeal.

5 amazing and unusual hobbies

Creative hobbies of girls

Can a person who is creative at heart live without creativity? Of course not. Artistic taste, abstract thinking, development of fine motor skills and simply aesthetic pleasure from the process - all this is exactly about the creative hobby of girls. By the way, in the future it may no longer be a hobby, but become the real meaning of life and even generate income.

Creativity is considered:

  • singing and music;
  • drawing;
  • pottery;
  • modeling;
  • directing;
  • dramaturgy;
  • participation in amateur theatrical productions and filming;
  • photographic art;
  • cooking;
  • cosmetology;
  • make-up;
  • fashion;
  • shopping;
  • crop production

After creative activities, a feeling of calm and satisfaction arises with the realization that the result will be a joyful event for someone if the creator himself was satisfied.

An interesting hobby for any type of creativity helps to find many friends and, most importantly, like-minded people who are able to appreciate the fruits of painstaking work.

Sports hobbies

This is exactly the type of hobby that helps develop perseverance, physical strength, endurance and eliminates bad mood, since it promotes the release of endorphins (the so-called “happiness hormone”), often involves prolonged exposure to the fresh air and, as a rule, in a large company.

A sports hobby for girls is very often chosen by their parents at a very young age - 5-7 years. But over time, it can develop into a serious hobby and even become a profession (professional sports, coaching career).

Among the most interesting sports hobbies for modern girls are:

  • horseback riding and riding;
  • mountain biking, roller skating, skateboarding, skating, skiing;
  • delta and paragliding, parachuting;
  • mountain and ecotourism, recreation in tent camps;
  • rock climbing, mountaineering;
  • running and jumping, including on a trampoline;
  • river rafting, kayaking;
  • swimming;
  • team games: volleyball, tennis, badminton;
  • auto-driving.

Any sports hobbies make a girl healthy and her figure beautiful, which, as a result, increases self-esteem.

Intellectual interests and hobbies

Intellectual hobbies, which are also presented in a wide variety, are suitable for developing moral qualities, horizons, and improving memory. Some people mistakenly believe that such interests and hobbies are boring. But in fact, almost everyone feels the need to satisfy their mental needs, and in this case it will help:

  • collecting;
  • solving or composing crossword puzzles;
  • collecting puzzles;
  • writing activity;
  • reading;
  • studying history, scientific discoveries, biographies of famous people;
  • visiting mathematical, literary, geographical circles;
  • trainings;
  • studying foreign languages ​​and foreign cultures;
  • archeology and astronomy.

Many of these hobbies allow you to constantly increase your level of intelligence and master previously unknown areas of knowledge. For example, composing your own poems or reading books has an effective effect on the process of freely expressing thoughts and replenishing your vocabulary. In addition, intellectual hobbies for the most part do not require material costs.

Extraordinary hobbies and interests

Their peculiarity is that they appeared relatively recently, most of them were borrowed from different countries of the world, and therefore their originality is emphasized by quite original names, so when listing them one can marvel not only at what kind of hobbies there are, but also at what names do they have? For example, twisting: balloons are inflated and twisted into various shapes; in order for everything to work out, you will have to practice for a long time.

It could also be:

  • patchwork: scraps of various fabrics are sewn together to make a cape, curtain or bedspread;
  • decoupage: a similar activity to the first one, but it allows you to create an unusual souvenir from scrap materials (frames from old photos, cups, boxes, etc. are used), by processing which you can get an unusual thing;
  • carving: popular artistic production of figures from vegetables or fruits by cutting;

  • scrapbooking: this “foreign” hobby is the most attractive for teenage girls; it involves the hand-made design of a photo album using original collages and suitable paper and other bases for decorating the cover and pages;
  • postcrossing: sending postcards with congratulations to any country in the world for the purpose of exchanging them;
  • flash mob: participation in a mass entertainment event at a certain time and in a specified place;
  • blogging: this is what girls are into with a boundless desire to communicate online, find new friends there and share personal experiences on certain issues, in other words, it is the creation and public maintenance of their own blog (page).
  • soap making: making real soap at home;
  • pet grooming;
  • travel to unique places in your region, including hitchhiking, and walking along complex city routes.

Of course, this is not the entire list of hobbies for girls; if desired, it can be significantly expanded.

One last piece of advice: When choosing a hobby for yourself, you don’t need to rely only on the presence of obvious talent or inclination for any particular type of activity; it is better to listen to your inner voice and focus on something that has not been independently explored before. This is the only way to discover new facets of your own “I” and expand your horizons through interesting experiments!

How to find a hobby - motivation

A hobby is an interest that a person receives from childhood. It can appear at any age, but it is best to get it from childhood. We all do some work according to our interests which can give us happiness and joy which is called hobby.

My hobby is watching TV. I really like watching TV in my free time. Watching TV is my hobby, but it never interferes with my studies. I prefer to do my homework first and then watch TV. I think I have a good hobby because watching TV gives me good knowledge in many areas.

What can you say about my hobby? This is most likely what I do with great pleasure in my free time from classes and household chores. It is different for everyone, for example, my mother loves to embroider, my father loves to go fishing and hunting. This is their hobby.

I have a lot of favorite hobbies. I love to read, I love to ride a bike, and I really like history. But my main hobby is drawing. I started drawing when I was little. Mom and Dad very often gave me felt-tip pens of various colors, colored pencils and beautiful snow-white paper for drawing.

Hobbies differ like tastes. If you choose a hobby according to your character and taste, you are lucky, because your life becomes more interesting. Hobbies are divided into four broad classes: making things, producing things, collecting things and studying things. The most popular group of hobbies is making things.

Every person has a hobby and some free time to do what we love most. I also have a hobby. And since I'm a student, I don't have much time on school days. Moreover, I study at a Russian school, so I only have one day off - Sunday.

Many people have hobbies. They make our life more interesting. Hobbies are what people like to do when they have free time. Everyone chooses a hobby according to his character and taste. Some people love music, others love to read books. Some people like to collect stamps, coins or badges, others prefer gardening or hiking or photography.

Life is arranged in such a way that each person has his own interests and talents for something. Some people can draw well, others collect stamps and rare coins, others love fishing and hunting.
All of them do it better than everyone else, since they, as people say, have a heart for it.

In my opinion, the world is full of different types of activities and hobbies for people. Many of them are quite ordinary and common, such as fishing, reading and drawing. But there are also such unusual and exotic ones as the search for aliens, Bigfoot, and unraveling the mysteries of the Bermuda Triangle.

Let's talk about the main thing straight away. Indicating hobbies, hobbies and your personal interests in your resume - this is a minor thing. It doesn’t matter whether it’s written on your resume or not.

I don't know where this attitude came from. Most likely, this is part of the Russian tradition - to evaluate a person by his deeds and not to get into his soul. For comparison, many American companies pay a lot of attention to the personal achievements of candidates - victories in basketball, completed marathons, participation in the publication of university wall newspapers, embroidery, and so on. Of course, in America they can also turn a blind eye to your hobbies, but less often than in Russia.

At the same time, it is worth remembering that if you don’t have to write a word about your hobby in your resume, then at the interview you will definitely be appreciated as a person. It is likely that you may be asked what you do in your free time, what your hobbies are, how you spend your holidays, etc.

It’s better to mention a hobby

What hobbies are best to include on a resume?

The ideal case is when your personal interests and hobbies on your resume match your profession. For example, if a web designer takes photographs, makes art furniture, paints with watercolors or something similar, that’s great.

However, ideal cases do not always exist, and the designer in question may well be a weightlifter, a keen chess player, or a fishing enthusiast. This is also normal. This looks adequate and you can write about it.

Examples of hobbies on a resume

This would look good on a resume:

  • Any non-extreme sport - swimming, running, skating, dancing, football, arm wrestling, sambo, etc.
  • Music (whether you compose, play or just go to concerts).
  • Fishing, hunting, forest.
  • Handicrafts (sewing, knitting, making leather goods, soft toys, beads, jewelry and other things). Of course, these are feminine things and they will look adequate on a resume.
  • Reading, literature, history.
  • Gardening, growing flowers and plants.
  • Creativity (drawing, photography, beadwork, making birdhouses and much more).
  • Animals (cats, dogs, horses, fish, etc.).
  • Cooking.

All these examples look adequate. You can write about any such hobbies and interests in your resume quite calmly. This will show the good side of you.

If you have a strange hobby, choose your expressions

There are interests that need to be mentioned carefully or remain silent about them altogether. These hobbies include:

  • Own business. A very ambiguous thing and there are people who will consider you too smart.
  • Trading on the stock market.
  • Poker or other gambling games. Gambling people are poorly managed, and this is a huge disadvantage for the applicant.
  • Religious interests, magic and fortune telling in any form.
  • Particularly extreme sport. It will look good on the resume of a security specialist, bodyguard, etc. If you are applying for other positions and are interested in something extreme, be restrained in your expressions. You can write “motorcycles” instead of “motorcycle racing”, write “martial arts” instead of “mix fight”, etc.

I want to repeat it again. If a hobby matches your profession, write it. If you want to become a journalist for a sports magazine and write a column about wrestling, write about all the martial arts you've done. This will work to your advantage.

Many people wonder: is it really necessary to indicate your hobbies? In modern times, indicating your hobbies, interests and interests is not as relevant as it was before. Overall, this can help the recruiter get an early impression of you not only as an employee, but also as a person. If you still decide to reveal different sides of your personality, we offer examples of hobbies and interests, as well as explanations for them.

Examples of interests and hobbies for a resume

From the statistics, it becomes clear that employers respond best to positive hobbies and interests. You should not write on your resume: “In my free time, I am interested in dissecting frogs” - this will say something about you that is not at all what you would like. Examples of hobbies on a resume that will give you unambiguous credibility include:

  • playing sports;
  • studying computer programs;
  • reading;
  • gardening;
  • learning foreign languages;
  • dancing.

Such hobbies can safely be considered universal. They are equally suitable for both men and women, and do not depend on the age of the applicant. If you decide to indicate examples of your interests in your resume more specifically, then be prepared for the fact that an attentive recruiter may ask you to tell us about your hobby in more detail. Therefore, you should not write, for example, “composing your own computer programs.” If you have little understanding of this issue, you may not be up to par.

Controversial examples of hobbies on a resume

There are also hobbies and interests that need to be indicated carefully in your resume.
For example, such a favorite hobby as computer games. There is nothing wrong with the toys themselves, but many employees have already been burned by the fact that during working hours they did not work at the computer, but played. Another undesirable example of a hobby on a resume is social networking. Despite the fact that today almost every person familiar with the possibilities of the Internet has accounts on social networks, it is not worth indicating such a hobby on your resume.

Many applicants have their own hobbies, without which life seems dull, but at the same time, which do not need to be indicated. Such hobbies include:

  • gambling;
  • participation in auto racing;
  • adherence to religious movements;
  • tattoos;
  • passion for subcultures.

In your free time, you can do whatever you want. However, the employer must be sure that you will not scare off clients with your non-standard appearance, will not start engaging in religious propaganda, and will not disappear for several days because you are at the next stage of the competition. Therefore, it is better not to indicate hobbies in your resume, examples of which are given above.

Examples of hobbies on a resume for girls

Many girls try to indicate in their resume hobbies that they think will most fully reveal their creative nature. However, even in this situation, listing interests in a resume must be approached carefully. Ideal examples of interests on a resume would be: