When was Anastasia born?
Anastasia's character largely depends on what time of year she was born. So, “winter” Anastasia is reserved and smart, and besides, she is moderately thrifty...
How to understand that a guy truly loves you?
Children's fairy tales about princesses and adults about successful ladies from the pages of glossy magazines often show us a beautiful story about love - insidious,...
How to tell a girl about her period - the first adult conversation between a daughter and mother How to tell her daughter about her period
It seems like just yesterday your daughter was playing with dolls and dreaming of trying on her mother’s high-heeled shoes, and today she is already a teenager who has completely different hobbies...
Sex star Katya Sambuca spoke about the birth of her second child
Ekaterina was born on August 27, 1991 in St. Petersburg. The father of the future star of adult films worked as an ordinary construction worker, his mother was a professional gymnastics...
Artificial star: how the brightest satellite is launched
The new Russian satellite “Mayak”, which has aroused great interest among amateurs, is the development of enthusiasts of the Moscow Polytechnic University under the “Modern Cosmonautics” program...
A mother's blessing is stronger than any amulet!
Please teach me how to properly give a parental blessing to children for marriage, what icons are given and by whose parents, because... the groom has no mother, and the bride died...
How to make number stencils with your own hands?
Good afternoon, dear friends! There are only a few days left until the next holiday, the sun is shining brighter outside, which means spring has come and brought with it a great...
Rules, diets and training
Excess weight is a common problem that has been relevant for many years, but the good news is that more and more people are deciding to change their habits. Can...